How to Decorate your New Bathroom

A new space in your home or apartment is always fun to decorate. A bathroom is a significant room of any home. A bathroom needs to feel clean, organized, and fresh. No one wants to use a bathroom that feels cluttered. Bathrooms are usually smaller spaces anyway, so we must use our freedom well. A bathroom should always feel comforting and relaxing, so keep reading to learn how you should decorate your new bathroom.
1. Towel rings and holders
I highly recommend installing towel rings and holders as means of decoration. Not only are they helpful to decorate with, but they are also a fantastic organizational tool that allows you to save space. For example, you can keep two bath towels on a towel bar and hand towels on your towel ring. Having towel rings and bars will prevent you from feeling like you need to stuff all your towels under your bathroom sink cabinet or have a stack of hand towels by your sink. So if you want to decorate, stay organized, and save space, I highly recommend installing towel rings and a bar in your new bathroom.
2. Cute hand towels
If you are going to go through the trouble of installing a towel ring, I highly recommend decorating them with cute hand towels. You can find soft and simple hand towels from Amazon, Target, Home Goods, and more. They don’t have to be anything fancy, but you can probably find some cute colors and patterns that match the aesthetic of your new bathroom. I would recommend staying away from an all-white towel. White hand towels will look clean and fresh initially, but after a month of washing your hands, the color will probably turn. As we girls use many different products and makeup, a white towel will stain fast. So, I recommend choosing a pretty pattern or another color. If you are trying to decorate your new bathroom, use bright and colorful hand towels to add color to this new area of your home.
3. Candle
It is always nice to keep a candle in your bathroom. Not only can this help mask unwanted smells, but it can also help add to the aesthetic of your bathroom. You can get multiple candles or one large one. You can decorate them by placing them on your countertop or your toilet. They will help keep your bathroom feeling new and fresh. There are so many different candle scents and styles out there. You can find unique candles on websites such as Etsy or buy a simple generic candle from Home Goods or Amazon, but there are plenty of options. Candles can be a fun and practical way to decorate your new bathroom.
4. Bath mats
Let’s make sure that our new bathroom won’t be the cause of a painful slip! You decide to you a slippery tile as your flooring in your bathroom, and while this probably looks stunning, it also means that with a bit of water, you might slip and fall. Buy a cute bath mat and place them in multiple spots around your bathroom. You can place one by your sink, toilet, shower, or bath. Not only will this help prevent you from taking a nasty fall, but it is also an easy way to add color and make your bathroom feel homier. You can buy cute bathmats with different textures, colors, and patterns. You find some with cute little sayings or designs. Check out Wayfair, Home Goods, and Amazon for some adorable bath mats to decorate your new bathroom with!
5. Soap dispensary or soap dish
While these may seem pointless, it is an effortless way to make your bathroom seem sophisticated and put together. Buying a cute soap dispensary and keeping it by your faucet can make your bathroom look very put together. You can find all these soap dispensers’ in different shapes, sizes, and materials. Some can look simple and solid white, while others may have a marble look with a mat finish. These look so much better in your new bathroom than in the plastic one you find at the grocery store. I recommend buying a soap dish if you prefer to use bar soap. You can place your soap dish right by your sink. Again, there are all different styles that you can buy. A soap dish looks better than a paper towel with a soap bar on it. Adding these simple items to decorate your bathroom will make it look clean and sleek!
6. Mirror
A good mirror is vital for any bathroom. After all, this is where you will spend time putting your makeup on and doing your hair. A mirror can be a staple piece in any washroom and allows for functionality. The mirror in your bathroom must be of good quality and significant. When deciding between two mirrors, you need to choose the larger one! You won’t regret it! You don’t have to stick with your typical or standard rectangular mirror. Plenty of fun and uniquely shaped mirrors are sold that are perfect for adding depth and dimension to your bathroom. Packing out a mirror does not need to be boring; it can add to the aesthetic of your bathroom. Not only are mirrors crucial for getting ready and prepping for the day they are also great ways to decorate. You can find mirrors with all different types of frames! Frames in all different shapes, colors, and textures. A great mirror can be an excellent way to decorate your new bathroom.
Decorating a new room in your home can be stressful and exciting! When decorating your bathroom, a space everyone will use, it should be thoughtful! Use this list of towel holders, hand towels, candles, bath mats, soap dispensers, and mirrors. Using these items and giving them more attention while decorating your bathroom will quickly create a stunning and sophisticated bathroom with pops of color. You will see your bathroom is going to become your favorite room!