How To Deal With Social Anxiety In College

Being in college can make you discover and experience situations that can affect your mental health. One situation is the idea of socializing with others and the process of making friends in college. Most freshmen find it hard to make friends in college due to people sometimes putting a fake personality or having the fear of being judged. A lot of millennials suffer with some form of social anxiety!
There are many factors and situations that can be blamed for people suffering with social anxiety. The main factor would be bullying and social media. As an extrovert, I also suffer with social anxiety due to bullying. It can be hard because you instantly think you’re being judged for being yourself. College is a time where you should be carefree and discover your true self! If you’re suffering with a form of social anxiety, don’t worry you’re not alone! Here are some ways to overcome social anxiety in college.
Take A Break From Your Headphones!
We’ve used our phones as a way to gear us away from small talk! I’m guilty of wearing headphones around my apartment complex to not talk to my neighbors! Guess what not everyone is going to care about you wearing headphones or searching through your phone. Some people will try to struck a conversation with you. Small talk can be awkward but can help you overcome social anxiety. It’s all about the energy and body language that person is giving you. If you’re walking on the street then definitely use your phone and headphones to stop unwanted conversations with strangers.
Stop Using Your Phone At Events And Outings With Friends
I’ve been to brunch with friends and we’d all be on our phones scrolling through social media and not having actual conversations. Someone has to be the one to step out of their comfort zone and start a conversation topic.When it comes to partying, we’ve all been to a house party where we barely know anyone. Try to start a conversation with someone or tag along with your friends to meet new people! Sometimes you have to step outside of your comfort zone to overcome social anxiety. This is a way to overcome social anxiety in college.
Join A Club
Joining a club with help you put yourself out there and make friends. Clubs can help you work on your social skills and build your resume! Find a club that goes with your interest and have a friend tag along! This is a way to overcome social anxiety in college.
Talk To A Professional
Talking to a professional can help you understand why you’re dealing with social anxiety. You’ll be able to find ways and tips to help overcome your fears. You will feel comfortable to open up. Going to a therapist is important, mental health is no joke and shouldn’t be ignored. Please advise someone to go speak to a professional, if you know if someone is dealing with social anxiety and mental health. All colleges have campus therapist who are always ready to talk about anything! This is a way to overcome social anxiety in college.
Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Stepping out of your comfort zone can help you overcome social anxiety. Try going to campus events by yourself and approach people. Definitely participate in alternative spring break, you’ll get to travel and do some sort of charity service with your peers. Most importantly, you’ll have to talk to your spring break group!