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How To Deal With Sexual Harassment And Feel Safe

How To Deal With Sexual Harassment And Feel Safe

How to deal with sexual harassment is tricky. These sexual harassment tips will help you cope with sexual harassment. Here's how to handle sexual harassment

Unless you have been in outer space the past two weeks, you’re well aware of the allegations flooding in about sexual harassment. Believe it or not, it’s a lot more common than you’d expect and it’s not just an issue within the Entertainment industry; sexual harassment in the workplace happens frequently. Women know all too well sexual harassment extends beyond the workplace. My guess is at some point in your life you’ve had unwanted sexual advances made towards you – yes, catcalling when you are walking home alone qualifies and no, sexual harassment doesn’t always have to be physical. Sexual harassment comes in various forms: theirs gender harassment, seductive behavior, sexual bribery, sexual coercion and sexual imposition. Seriously, making conditions of employment dependent on sexual favors, physical acts, requests, verbal harassment, unwanted touching and unwelcome sexual advances all qualify! While I could add the horrific psychological distresses of sexual harassment, I think it’s fairly important to talk about how to deal with sexual harassment. The good news with how to deal with sexual harassment is that there are various approaches to protecting and taking care of yourself.

How To Deal With Sexual Harassment

There are many different approaches to handling sexual harassment. If I’ve learned anything in my twenty-four years of life, it’s that every situation is different; context matters. So while there is no one size fits all approach to how to deal with sexual harassment, these are a few ideas on how to deal with sexual harassment. Feel free to decide which approach works best for you.

Talk Directly to the Person

When sexual harassment takes place, the most forthcoming way to address the situation is to ask the person harassing you to stop. While this circumstance certainly is nerve-wracking, it’s important you clarify their advances are unacceptable. Make it clear to them if they continue, you will file a report. Some harassers stop their behavior once you threaten to report them. If they continue, don’t let it slide – take action! You deserve to feel comfortable at work and in your own body.


Find Other Victims and Witnesses

Secure a testimony of witnesses of your incidents in writing! Often times women are scared of coming forth alone as it’s frequently our word versus theirs. Chances are if this person is harassing you, it’s not the first time. Search for other victims of sexual harassment by the harasser. Strong women stick together and it’s important you know you’re not alone!

Inform Your Supervisor

If the harassing doesn’t stop – report the incidents to your immediate supervisor. Make sure you write a formal letter detailing the events that took place. You should also ask your supervisor for a meeting to explain the situation face-to-face.

Inform HR

Regardless of informing your supervisor, this step is important in how to deal with sexual harassment. You should also contact your human resources manager. HR can help you take action and figure out any next steps you need to take.

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Senior Management

If your supervisor doesn’t take action, a formal complaint can be filed with the company’s senior manager. They should be able to handle the situation discretely. Like HR, they are qualified to help you with any further action that should be taken. Make sure you have all your evidence with you to present. Written documentation is crucial!


I honestly hope it doesn’t get to this point but if nobody takes action, a formal complaint should absolutely be taken to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission! EEOC investigates sexual harassment incidents in the workplace and will 1000% take action if all else fails.


While you might think this is a rarity, it truly isn’t. I’ve heard multiple stories from friends straight out of college, mentors and other female workers in my life. It’s paramount women stick together and support one another. Regardless of if you’ve encountered sexual harassment in the workplace, it’s important to know how to deal with sexual harassment. Create a safe environment for yourself and surround yourself around empowering people. Empower, encourage and rely on one another. You are your own #GirlBoss

How do YOU empower yourself and others? Have any tips on how to deal with sexual harassment? Let us know below <3
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