How To Deal With Everyone Around You Getting Engaged

Adulting can mess with anyone’s mindset. You’re either prepping to slay your senior year of undergrad or recently graduated from college, there’s a chance people are advancing in the relationship department. Everyone has the desire of being in love or finding their soulmate. Having a partner can satisfy someone due to having a support system and someone who genuinely like them! We’ve all seen that random Facebook or Instagram post about an old classmate, family member or friend getting engaged to the love of their life. We either feel weird or alone after seeing these post. It’s perfectly fine to be single and on the journey of meeting the one! Finding love is a process and there should be no shortcuts! There is no such thing as the perfect relationship. Here’s how to deal with everyone getting engaged around you!
Stay Off Of Social Media
It’s time to take a break from Instagram and Facebook! People tend to announce news on social media to let people they haven’t talked to for years know how “great” they’re doing in life. Don’t believe everything you see on social media! That person may be smiling in their engagement photos does not mean that they are happy with the relationship! Some people will post pictures of their rings, they’re giving people the opportunity to talk shit or even judge the ring size. Just stay off of social media for a bit, if you’re the jealous type. This is a way to deal with everyone getting engaged around you.
Analyze The Relationship
There is no such thing as the perfect relationship.We’ve all had that moment involving our friends and family spilling the tea about their relationships. We’ve sat down and listened to the complaining and pictures involving their drama. Some couples get married just to be married. Depending on the individual they’re partner gives them an ultimatum which means some people are sort of forced into an engagement. Take the time to think about all the tea you’ve heard about the couple. They might be smiling in the engagement photos but aren’t truly in love. Some couples are involved in arranged marriages, which means there’s a high chance of there being no love in the beginning of the engagement. This is a way to deal with everyone getting engaged around you.
Go On A Date
This is for all the thirsty people who are desperate for a relationship. Time to sign up for sites like Tinder or ask your grandmother if their friends grandsons are looking for love. Please realize that finding love is a process, there are no shortcuts to love! This is a way to deal with everyone getting engaged around you.
Be Happy For The Couple
Send a congratulations comment or just smile for the couple. Bringing positive energy to others will come back to you! Send the couple a gift basket or buy them an item off of their registry.
Marriage Isn’t For Everyone
Remember that everyone has different standards and ideas towards relationships. Some people believe in marriage while others could care less about the idea of being married. If you’re in a relationship and engagement fever is approach, just have a conversation with your partner about being married. If you’ve had previous conversations with your partner about getting married, that engagement ring will be coming sooner or later! For my single ladies, just be fucking patient! Your match is searching for you, just work on yourself and get your shit together! No shade but your perfect match is probably dating another girl or isn’t born yet. Patience is a major key in life! This is a way to deal with everyone getting engaged around you.