How to deal with drama in high-school

“High school called- they want their drama back!”
High school. We have all been there (unless you’re famous or were home-schooled) and if you’re anything like me, it’s a place that I am incredibly thankful that I do not have to go back too. High school was not the best experience for me. Yes, I know, it’s a time of growth, you’re creating who you are, but I personally did not have a grand-ole-time. I was an athlete—played three sports all year around and although I tried my best to stay away from the drama, I felt like it always found me. Why? I could not tell you. I wish I had someone in my corner who had the tips and tricks for how to deal with the high school drama that always seems to appear when you’re in high school and that’s why (after being away from it for so long) will be telling you what I wish I knew back then. Maybe these ideas will help you and you can pass them down to other friends you know.
Reevaluate your relationships
Growing up is already incredibly difficult, therefore having to cut ties with a close friend of yours is not going to be easy and nor is it going to be fun. I have had to do this several times in my life and although it may sting a little at first, I can promise you that it will be worth it. Do you have a friend who is continuously stirring up the pot? Is drama all they are known for? Think about those who you surround yourself with and if they make you more unhappy then they do uplift you on a day-to-day basis, then perhaps you need to consider not having them in your life anymore. When doing this, you don’t have to ignore them immediately. Speak to them directly (and nicely) and tell them that you don’t think that the two of you should be friends anymore. Hopefully they will understand and if not, that’s their loss.
Focus on yourself
When I was in high-school, I wanted to always to be around the popular kids. I wanted to know where they were and what they were doing. Why? Because there is a group stigma in high school–you have the jocks, the popular kids, the nerds and quite honestly, I didn’t want to be the lone person and not be in the group. So, I followed where almost everyone else was going. I wish I had focused more on myself during my time in high-school instead of caring what everyone else thought of me. When you focus on ourself, you slowly begin to understand what is important in life, what you want and you gain knowledge on how to get it. You also become aware of your strengths and weaknesses. So, try your best and focus on yourself. Trust me, you won’t regret it.
Have an escape plan
You’re probably curious to what I mean when I say “Have an escape plan” and I will tell you. For example, say you are in the girls locker room talking to your friends when all of a sudden they start talking gossip about another girl in school. If you don’t want to be a part of that, then you need an escape plan for how to get out of that locker room. Some ideas? Say that you have to study for a make-up test that you missed. Have soccer practice? You can’t be late, so say that you are in a hurry to get ready because your coach will make you run laps if you don’t make it on time. Are you in the cafeteria sitting at the table when drama starts to occur? Quietly get up from the table and move elsewhere. Is a headache slowly occurring? Not feeling well? No matter what the case may be, have an escape plan will help you stay out of the drama because let’s face it, no one wants to be a part of it, even if they’re standing there listening to the conversation.
Don’t spread drama yourself
Even if you are standing within a group of people who are spreading all of the gossip, what is the number one thing you can do to stay away from the drama? It’s easy. Don’t spread the high school drama yourself and all will be okay in the world (and high school). If you hear something about someone or their family, keep it to yourself and don’t spread that information around. Is it true? Possibly, but it’s best to keep it under wraps. What comes around, goes around and you don’t want that information to spread like wildfire if you tell someone because eventually it will come to bite you in the butt.
Lastly, have a support system!
I highly believe that having a good support system can be one of the easiest ways to avoid all of the high school drama that is bound to occur. Why? Sometimes life becomes overwhelming at times, especially during high school. You have homework, sports, clubs and yes, a social AND personal life. It can be difficult to keep up with everything that is going on. Just know that you are not alone and if any high school drama starts to occur, know that it’s more than okay to turn to those you trust–whether that be a parent, sibling, mentor, or even a counselor at the school you attend. Vent your thoughts away so that you don’t begin to start drama yourself. Also, just know that high school is going to fly bye in the blink of an eye. You may keep the friends you have there or you may not. It’s entirely up to you! So, don’t worry about the drama. All will pass, just like the high school drama will!