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How To Deal When You Think Your Partner Is Cheating

How To Deal When You Think Your Partner Is Cheating

Cheating is never a pleasant topic to talk about. But what if you are starting you get that feeling in the pit of your stomach? You can't quite put your finger on why you feel what you do, but all of a sudden you suspect your S/O of cheating. Here's what to do when you think your partner is cheating.

Cheating is never a pleasant topic to talk about. It is kind of like politics, where someone in the room is bound to get heated anytime the subject is brought up. But what if you are starting to get that feeling in the pit of your stomach? You can’t quite put your finger on why you feel what you do, but all of a sudden you suspect your S/O of cheating. Well, if that’s the case and you are looking for advice on how to handle the delicate situation, here’s what to do when you think your partner is cheating.

Don’t investigate

This is basically a universal relationship killer. If your S/O catches you tailing his car at 2 in the morning, asking his coworker if he has been seen with any women, or swiping through his phone in the middle of the night, and he isn’t cheating? You can kiss that relationship goodbye. I know that it is hard not to look into your suspicions, but if they are wrong, you are ruining a good thing, and if they are right, it will come out eventually. It can be hard, but when you think your partner is cheating, try not to do this!

Make a list

Why did you start suspecting your partner of infidelity? What changed? Hunches and gut feelings are real, but they stem from something and that’s what you need to make note of. Making a list of things that have caused this suspicion will either show you that you have grounds to feel the way you do or reveal just how far you are reaching.


Discuss it

This is going to be hard and maybe a little awkward, but you need to sit down with your S/O and tell him or her about your suspicions. This isn’t a time to throw around accusations, but you do need to be clear about what exactly has been bothering you. The list may be key here to show you aren’t just saying this on a whim, but have really thought it through. Make sure you start the conversation on a good note because this is your chance to see how he reacts to the topic and you can’t do that if you are already fighting.

See Also
Everyones reaction to a cheater is different, but how to handle a cheater the right way should be the same. Show a cheater what they lost.

Evaluate the relationship

This one is kind of a downer, but it is important; if you truly think your S/O is cheating on you, you need to consider leaving the relationship regardless of whether there is any cheating happening. If you can have real suspicions about your partner, that’s a huge indicator that your relationship lacks trust. That may be something you can build if you are still in your first year together, but if you are having these feelings and you have been together for 5 years, that’s a problem. Think about if you want to be with someone you don’t completely trust.



IF the worst happens and your partner has cheated on you, yet still wants to repair your relationship, you need to make one decision. Do you still want to be in the relationship? It really is as simple as one question, because if the answer to that is yes, then everything else has to follow suit, but if it is no, then you need to just walk away.

What do you think of these tips on what to do when you think your partner is cheating? Let us know in the comments below!
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