Categories: Greek Life

How To Create The Perfect Sorority Recruitment Video For Your PNMs

Sorority recruitment is a fun and exciting time in Greek Life. It’s a time to get to know potential new members, but it can be difficult for the PNMs to get to know the organization and what it can offer to them.That’s when a Sorority recruitment video can come into play and give the PNMs a look inside the organization. It can either be the thing that wins PNMs over or completely turns them away and to ensure that they join your organization he is How To Create The Perfect Sorority Recruitment Video For Your PNMs.

1. Showcase The Chapter’s Accomplishments

Whether your organization was recognized on campus for a positive movement or won Greek Week show PNMs what a hard working sorority you are. You can also put the spotlight on collegians as well and show PNMs that they can also juggle school work and sorority life.

2. Show Off Your Philanthropic Work

Your sorority recruitment video should also include any philanthropy work your chapter has done. This shows the PNMs that you’re not the typical sorority girls which the media likes to portray as selfish. Show them that you care for the community and the ways in which you have helped enrich it. Sometimes people don’t know how to get involved in doing philanthropy so show them that by joining your organization they will have an opportunity and a way of getting involved.

3. Get Collegiate Testimony

Have the PNMs hear from the members who are currently in the chapter; members who they may soon get know as sisters. Collegians can talk about what attracted them to the organization and what they’ve gained, learned experienced since joining and how they made the decision to go greek.

4. Get Alum Testimony

Just like the collegians the alum have a lot of advice to offer up to the PNMs. They can talk about what their time in the organization was like and their life after graduating and becoming an alum. Make sure to also insert photos or videos from alum events to show PNMs that Greek Life is for life and they can always be involved.

5. Flaunt Your Sisterhood

Insert photos or videos of sisters hanging out together, whether it’s sisters going on hikes together or painting a banner. Those are everyday activities that PNMs can imagine themselves doing, and that is the goal of you sorority recruitment video. Show the PNMs that they can be a part of these memories by joining.

See Also

6. Show The Organizations Past Events

Show the PNMs any events that have been put on by the organization. For example, formal. It’s a great way to show the PNMs that your organization can also have fun and throw awesome events. It also displays the creative side of your organization and the positions in place that are in charge of an event like this, it will encourage PNMs to join AND run for a position.

7. Academic Achievements

All Greek Life organizations have a certain GPA which each member must maintain in order to be a member of the organization so don’t be afraid to bring up stats. Show how many collegians are on Dean’s List, how many have received Sorority scholarships, and achievements from the collegians academic department. Even internships, jobs, and fellowships are a great way to show off your organizations smarts.

8. Choosing The Right Photos

Choosing the right photos for your sorority recruitment video is crucial. You want to make sure they are edited well so they look as bright and aesthetically pleasing as possible.

What are some of your favorite sorority recruitment videos? Comment them below!

Featured Image:
Qamiljana Rrapo

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