Categories: Fashion

How to Create Personal Style

How to Create Personal Style

Personal style is probably the coolest thing you can have. When someone is able to reflect themselves authentically though their appearance it is refreshing yet rare. On the surface, personal style is found in what you wear, but as you dig deeper you come to realize that it also has much to do with your attitude and perspective on life. Here is everything you need to know about how to best create your personal style.

Wear What YOU Want

Dig deep and think about the types of things you really love to wear. What colors, patterns, textures, and garments are your favorite? Who are your favorite designers and accessories to wear? Try not to think about what is trendy or if other people will like it. Personal style needs to be personal to you and unique to only you. Think about what you would wear s a kid. What kinds of clothing and accessories did you feel yourself in, feel good in. Take a blast from the past and bring your favs back. Would you never be caught dead in a dress as a kid? Or maybe all you wore were crazy hats. Whatever it is, it is yours and that is what counts. 

Resist Influence

At a time where fashion is so digitalized, we live in a culture filled with influencer content and consumer culture thrown in our face. It is hard to loose your sense of personal style with so much content being absorbed at the touch of a finger. Now this is not meant to hate on influencers or digital fashion culture, because it can be a great way to gather inspiration, but style can be easily copied and it is important to be conscious of that while scrolling. Get inspired without fully influenced! A great way to do this is to post your own stuff. Show others your personal style! Or the direct opposite, take social media breaks and use that time to be inspired by the things around you.

Take Chances

Personal style is all about taking chances. Play dress up in your closet. Try new things and be bold! Whatever you think is totally crazy, I am sure you can find away to make it cool. Bring back things from past decades that you admire, even if you are the only one doing it. Fashion in itself is all about taking risks. How many times have you seen a look on the runway and thought how absolutely wild and absurd it looks? Flash forward a couple months or years and now it is what everyone is wearing! Sometimes you need to be bold and take a chance to keep the ball rolling and create something great. 

Be Confident

It is all about how you wear something, even more than it is about what you are actually wearing. Fake it til you make it, it is the earliest lesson in the book. Confidence is a choice. There is so much more meaning behind personal style than just clothes. Your style is all about the way you walk, the way you talk, and the way that you express yourself both verbally and nonverbally. Fashion happens to be a big form of nonverbal expression and one of the many ways to show personal style. Having confidence is an entire aspect of personal style too. I am talking confidence is what you wear, what you stand for, what you say, the decisions that you make and more. And even on days when you may not feel your best of most confident, fake it til you make it! Nobody knows the truth but you.

Get Inspired by Daily Life

Although Pinterest boards and social media influencers are a great way to feel inspired, the best way in my opinion is to go take a walk or a long drive and be inspired by the present day around you. For example, if you are a city girl, be inspired by the people’s fashion in your city, the night lights, and the cafes on each corner. No matter where you are you can be inspired by seasons and the scenery of your environment. If you reflect your personal world into your personal style, you will become the most authentic version of yourself. uniquely you and no one can take that away from you. 

See Also

Shop Alone

Have you ever gone shopping alone? I feel like growing up, shopping has always been an activity to do with your mom or friends. Shopping alone is a great way to create personal style because you are buying things based on if you like them or not, instead of asking other people for their opinions. If you go shopping with people, odds are you try something on in the dressing room and ask who ever you are with for their opinion. If you are alone, you may still feel inclined to ask the salesperson their opinion, but at least that one will be unbiased coming from someone who does not know you. 


This one is an all time favorite. Traveling is a great way to develop personal style. It allows you to create new memories and experiences and overall see what life is like in other places than your own. After traveling you will feel inspired and come back feeling almost as if you are a brand new person. After being in Europe for four months, I myself can relate to this. My personal style has changed and developed since being there and coming back to the United States. I find myself dressing classier when going out with my friends and showing less skin, because that is the culture there, especially in Paris. I find a rise in my confidence level because I overall feel more experienced and exposed to the world. Traveling is an amazing way to start the never ending journey of creating your personal style. Personal style is something that will constantly change and evolve all throughout your life, andI find that to be a beautiful thing. 

Miliana Adams

I am a 22 year old student at Depaul University living in the heart of Chicago

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