How To Beat Oily Skin In The Summertime

I’m sure we all know how much it sucks in the summertime when we have oily skin. It’s really due to all the heat causing extra sweating and more oil build up. I feel it can feel impossible in order to keep your skin from being oily in the summer, but I’m here to assure you there are some ways to beat this.
1. Wash your face twice a day
Yes, you should always wash your face morning and night. Some people make the mistake which even I have done my self, which is washing your face more than twice daily because of the sweating and how oily your skin can get but don’t do this. You’re washing off all your natural oils and causing your face to make more, so basically, our making your face oily. tick to twice a day, only wash your face more if for some reason you need to.
2. Blot your face
Blotting paper can be one of the best things for oily skin, especially when your face gets oily when you’ be been wearing makeup throughout the day. It’s a quick product you can grab out your purse for emergencies to help with your face when it starts to get oily.
3. Ice for the pores
If you haven’t heard of this, it’s time you get on it. I do this even in the colder months on a day I wanna go outside and have my skin looking nice with no makeup. `Icing your face closes your pores helping with oily skin. When you close your pores this way it can help your face at least survive most of the day in the summer before the heat reopens them. But I will say I’ve had it last all day in the summer.
4. Drink lots of water
It is true what they say, about what you put in your water shows throughout. Water not only hydrates you but detoxes you. Your oily skin could be caused from bad bacteria in your body and you need flush it out, so make sure your drinking enough water a day depending on your body weight in order for these other steps to work for you.
5. The pool
Believe it or not, the chlorine may be drying, but I myself have had nice hair and skin day after swimming in the pool early in the day. If you just so happen to be heading to the pool don’t worry about your oily skin. Maybe ice your face then let the chlorine do the rest. Chlorine really dries out your skin, so forget being oily. I will say that the beach does the same due to all the salt water.
6. Exfoliating
I don’t know about you?! But the summertime has me doing a lot of exfoliating up to 3-4times a week. It can happen when your out all day like I’ve said before sweating and having to deal with oily skin. But it’s great to do if you want your skin to not be oily throughout the day. Exfoliate in the morning before you go out and then ice your face, tone, and lotion. You won’t believe how not just glowy, but also poreless your skin will appear for the long day ahead.
7. Face masks
I never wanna have to stress how important face masks are, especially since there a way of healing the skin. The sun is damaging, even if you have sunscreen on. The chlorine you swim in is somewhat damaging making your oily skin dry. So do a face mask 3x a week, for whatever symptoms your skin is having, in order to repair it. I have so many face masks that I don’t even use them all throughout the week. It’s good to have options in order to be able to choose what is better for your skin on what day.