How To Be Single At VCU

Coming from my own personal experiences, being single is the best way to go. Not to say that if you are in a relationship that you are doomed or need to break up ASAP, but there is a time when you are a young college kid where you should learn, experience, and grow as your single self. Going to school in a city where the student population is over 30,000, it would be hard to spend most of your time with just one person. I have met people from all over the world here at VCU & traveled across the world to see them. Being single at VCU has allowed me to engage myself in a diverse culture and learn more about other people allowing me to understand myself more. Keep reading for how to be single at VCU!
Focus on homework over heart break.
Instead of spending your time trying to find who you are going to spend the rest of your life with in college, try to focus on what you are going to do with the rest of your life.
Just get out there and go for it!
I think one of the biggest problems with being single is that people feel sorry for themselves. Even worse, they hang around at home and don’t push themselves to do more. When you go to school in a city like Richmond, there are countless activities to be explored. And exploring the city with your friends is much more exciting then looking for a significant other on Tinder.
Enjoy the time you have in college!
What makes being a single student at VCU unique is that we are mixed in with the “real world” already. We see the college life and the after college life around us all the time. We have plenty of time for the real world after college and to worry about who we are going to be with or not. For now live and enjoy the small amount of time you have in college by engaging in yourself in every possible awkward, exciting, life changing experiences that you can get.