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How to be a Successful College Freshman

How to be a Successful College Freshman

Freshman year is a time of new beginnings and finding yourself. You will discover who you truly are. You might go through a few phases, but keep in mind a few characteristics that you should develop to become a successful freshman.

Believe in Yourself: College can be intimidating at times. It’s totally normal to become unsure of yourself in social and academic settings. Everyone feels overwhelmed at times. It’s important not to totally give into these insecurities, be confident in yourself and your abilities. You can do this!


Get Involved: Your campus should have a bunch of opportunities to get involved with sports clubs and many other campus organizations. There’s something for everyone. Take advantage of all these groups by talking to new people and branching out of your comfort zone! College is full of opportunities and experiences to meet new people, so take full advantage of them!

Be Studious: College is fun! Go out, make friends and have fun. College is a time to live it up—but remember, you’re there to get an education. Take your classes seriously and try not to procrastinate too hard. Cut it down to a one hour nap before you start studying. The excuses that you may have used in high school aren’t going to cut it anymore.


Be Smart: Being studious versus being smart are two totally different things. You can hit the books all you want but that’s not going to help you interact with other students. Trust your instincts—if you think something messed up is happening, it probably is. It’s on you to remove yourself from a situation that you don’t want to be involved in.

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Don’t Falter to Peer Pressure: This ties in with staying confident in yourself. Don’t let others pressure you into doing something you don’t want to do. You don’t have to do what others say to fit in if it doesn’t feel right to you. Be yourself and you will meet friends that appreciate your true self.


Stand for Your Beliefs: If you come to college with certain moral or spiritual standards that you truly believe in, stay committed to them. On the other hand, you may come to college and change your whole worldview.  Whatever the case may be, stay true to what you believe in.


Let me know your tips for a successful freshman year in the comments or tweet @SOCIETY19!