Categories: College Life

How to be a Good Man During College

How to be a Good Man During College

With so many new ideals and standards going around our society, it can be hard for any guy to understand the key elements that make a man truly good and respectful. When you’re in college, it can be easy to follow to majority and not be the standard for a good man. College is a time of growth and while that growth is meant for educational and professional purposes, it’s also meant for personal growth. Any guy in college needs to understand the key traits that turn a guy into a good man. It’s sadly getting harder and harder to value these key traits, but they are highly respected and valued by the right people. Once you understand how to become a good man during college, you’ll see how many people begin to take notice of you. Let’s take a look at a few key traits that guys should learn to value during college.


  • The truth is a very scary thing. Sometimes we lie to protect the feelings of others or to try and save ourselves from embarrassing moments. The reality of it is that the truth will always find its way out into the light in some form or another. Give up on lying and just tell the truth. Embrace your actions and decisions even if they have a negative effect. You can learn a lot from mistakes you make and use them to become a better person. It’s much more embarrassing when someone calls you out as a liar than it is to just own up to whatever it is. Trust is one quality that strongly ties into others such as respect and loyalty. You don’t want people to begin to doubt the things you say because you are known as a liar. Being truthful will take you a long way in any field. Whether it’s personal relationships or professional ones, everyone values a truthful partner and friend over anything else.


  • Respect is one quality that a lot of guys in college tend to throw out the window. Every single person has boundaries. A good man needs to understand how to respect those boundaries. If you can’t give your respect to others, then you cannot expect anyone to give you any amount of respect in return. Be respectful and acknowledge and follows certain guidelines and rules established for the specific areas or facilities you are in. A part in gaining respect also comes from patience and the understanding of others. Not everyone is the same and not everyone is going to agree with everything you have to say. It’s your job as a man to simply respect the fact that everyone is different and move on. You also need to value the trust that others have put into you. You cannot hurt those around you because you threw their trust away and became disloyal towards them. Certain relationships are very valuable and to throw them away because you were disloyal towards them can be one of the biggest mistakes that you make.


  • Loyalty is one trait that a lot of people do maintain in college but don’t do it properly. Loyalty is standing by your family and friends no matter what. Loyalty is staying true to yourself and your beliefs. Another part of loyalty comes from pointing out when you or your friends are wrong. While it might seem like you are supporting the actions of your friends, if you know what they are doing is wrong or dangerous then it’s up to you to say something to them and make them see the reality of what they are about to do. A lot of people simply allow their friends to do something stupid and that is not loyalty. You also need to be loyal to yourself and call yourself out on the things you do that are wrong. Self-loyalty is very real, and a lot of guys rely on their friends to call them out when it should be them realizing their own mistakes.

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  • There is a lot of things expected of men in today’s society. There are a lot of men who go through mental pain because of all of the weight they have to bear. Patience is a key element in making everything seem lighter. You need to understand that wealth comes with time. Don’t rush yourself into being something you will soon regret. Success comes from the ability to look at all of your options and achieve self-happiness with the one that you chose. Having patience allows you to take the time to play out all of your possible options and examine which one may be the best fit for you. If you can also be patient with other people, your life will be a lot easier as well. We never know what we have all been through and to expect everyone to be on the top of their game every single second is just plain ridiculous. Have patience with others and have patience with yourself.


  • Kindness seems like an obvious trait to have yet it’s one not a lot of men develop during college. Kindness isn’t buying a meal for your friend who is broke. Kindness is reaching out to others in need and not just your friends. You defiantly want to be kind to your friends and family, but you must also be kind to others. You will receive the same energy that you put out into the world. If you walk out every day being rude and mean to those around you then you will find others to send that same energy back towards you. Kindness is a trait that the world as a whole is slowly losing with each passing day. Men that are kind are highly valued and respected in today’s society. People say that it is hard to find good men and that is because there are values that a lot of men choose to ignore and kindness is one of those traits.

Zachary Hernandez

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