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How To Balance A Relationship And College

How To Balance A Relationship And College

it can be difficult to balance a relationship and college, but it is possible. Here's some tips on letting your love life flourish while tackling the books!

When you first start college, making time for anything else can seem impossible. You’re adjusting to new things and dividing your time takes a lot of strategies. In my experience, there were a lot of errors involved with figuring out how to balance a relationship and college. Luckily, we made it to the other side by focusing on these core aspects.

Respect Schedules

Whether you are both in college or one of you is working full-time, arrive at the conclusion that your schedules are going to be complicated. You won’t always be off at the same times and with the way courses are offered, there may be nothing you can do about it. Understand that both of you are working hard and would create a schedule where you’re always together if it was possible. Getting upset that your partner isn’t around on your days off while they’re potentially completing assignments as well is a waste of breath.

Make the Most of Date Nights

On those rare occasions you have free-time after midterms or finals, take advantage of it! It is important to carve out some time you both agree on to reconnect. Focus on why you’re in a relationship in the first place and do an activity you both enjoy. Taking even one night out a month shows that your relationship is important and makes the little time you spend together even more special. This is key to balancing a relationship and college.



Maybe your schedule changes abruptly or you have to have an emergency study session on the weekend when you and your significant other had plans. Whatever the case may be, talk it out together. The longer you wait to find a way to not disappoint them or try to maneuver around everything, the more likely everything is to fall apart. You are paying for your higher education and if something comes up to get you closer to that degree, talk about it with your partner and they will understand.

Support Each Other

There were times where I had so many writing assignments and I felt like I wasn’t going to make it. Everything felt incredibly overwhelming and I would feel like stopping school altogether. During these times, my boyfriend would reassure me that I could do it in different ways. Whether it was a goofy text, a facetime call to calm me down, or rushing over to my house to stroke my hair I knew that he was on my side. He was rooting for me and that meant more than anything. If you want your significant other to be there for you, be there for them. Reciprocating assurance and affirmation will inspire your team to keep moving forward.

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Set Goals

While keeping up with your studies, make sure to hit certain milestones together. Maybe you’ll take a huge trip after you’ve completed half of your time in college. If you want to try on the smaller side, take a weekend out of town after finals. Setting a future goal can serve as a light at the end of the tunnel for the two of you. When things get hard, you can focus on that plan you’ve made together. If you want to balance a relationship and college then definitely follow this tip.

Remember Your Love

When my boyfriend and I started dating in the beginning of college, I had no idea it would turn into a committed relationship. Once I was in love, it would have been easy to let that take over and completely disregard school. Thankfully, he reminded me that he loved me throughout all my struggles but continued to push me toward my academic goals. I wanted to succeed in college not just for myself but for my partner as well. Reminding your significant other that you love them during whatever storm they may be facing can make all the difference.

Wishing you tremendous success in finding your perfect balance with college and love! How do you balance a relationship and college? Tell us in the comments!
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