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How Not To Lose That Summer Body In The Fall That You Worked So Hard For

How Not To Lose That Summer Body In The Fall That You Worked So Hard For

Your summer body is looking fresh and you’ve got all those pics stockpiled and favorited from those beach days this summer, but it’s coming to an abrupt halt with Fall creeping around the corner. These tips will keep that look trucking through the fall, even if it is covered by sweaters, plaids, and scarves!

1. Don’t Get Cocky

Let’s be honest, 90 percent of us decided that we ‘won’ at working out the moment we saw one of our abs in juuussttt the right lighting and declared ourselves Arnold Schwarzenegger. GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE! Good for you though, treat yourself a little bit but that’s not the way to think. Once you get cocky, you get lazy.

If you’re feeling good now, keep it going until next summer, don’t let it get to your head! Let that ab of yours be motivation to hit the treadmill even harder the next day because you’ll lose it quicker than you got it. 


2. Find A Friend With the Same Goal

It’s much easier to stick with something if you’re sticking with it with someone! Find that friend you’ve been working out with all summer, or who has been wanting to work out for a while and drag them to the gym, on a hike, or on a run with you! As long as one of you is motivated (hopefully it’s you), you’ll be able to drag, guilt, convince your partner to get moving with you.

You can make it a competition to see who can lift heavier, or who has the fastest or longest runs, make it fun! Use a fitness app that tracks exercises, a lot of them have a social aspect to compare fitness activities on. Come Christmas if you stick with it together, you’ll be the two hottest people at your work’s ugly sweater party (slim fit of course).


3. Make Time For Your Routine 

If you’re in school, when Fall rolls around it seems that the days are shorter and you can’t spend hours upon hours binging your fav Netflix series. Now you have papers, or homework, or tests. Although you might want to use the classic “I don’t have time for the gym now that I’m back in school” excuse, there’s always a way.

Get up an hour earlier and do a home exercise, go to your school gym between classes or at your lunch break. There’s always time for exercise, sometimes you just have to find some. If you were diligent in keeping your routine in the summer, don’t let some classes and assignments stop that. Yes, it may be a bit harder to stick with it, but you’ll get used to it!

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4. Don’t Give Up!

Just because you missed one day or decided that a dozen donuts for lunch were a good idea DOESN’T mean you can’t go back! It’s not that working out is necessarily a routine, but it truly is a lifestyle. Keep that in mind and make small conscious decisions to stay on track every day. Don’t beat yourself up if you have one bad day, just get back out there the next day even harder. Even if you fall off the train for longer, it’s never too late to start again.


The gym or whatever exercise you choose can be daunting, but as long as you stay focused and know what you want out of it, you’ll be able to muster up the courage to renew that gym membership, slap on those running shoes and go break a sweat. Just remember that any choice, no matter how small, to keep your body in shape is a step in the right direction. YOU CAN DO IT! 

What do you think of our tips to keep that summer body? Tell us your favorite ways to stay in shape in the comments below!

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