How Dating In College Is Different Than Dating In High School

Dating in college is super different than dating in high school. Here are a few of the ways it’s different so you know what you have to look forward to!
You’re Not Around Your Partner All The Time
When you’re dating in college, the likelihood that you see your partner every day is pretty unlikely. They probably have a completely different schedule than you do, they probably have a lot of work to do, and they have their own social life. Unlike in high school where you’re stuck in the same building as your peers for eight straight hours a day, in college everyone has their own routine and schedule and it’s anyone’s guess where any of your friends will be on a given day.
This room is nice, though. It allows you to have a life that’s all your own that your partner supplements instead of dominates.
How You Meet Your Date
In high school, you probably met most of the people you dated in class or in an after school activity. At college, you still might find your partner that way, or maybe you’ll find them on a dating app or at a party. Your college is almost certainly bigger than your high school, and when you factor in that there are probably people in your town or city that are also your age, expanding your dating pool.
Relationships Are More Mature
Gone are the days of the silent treatment over one small comment or fights started over Instagram captions. Not all the immaturity is left behind in high school, but you’ll find that your relationships in college are more mature than your high school ones. When you’re dating in college, you probably have a little more experience under your belt so you know what you’re doing.
And you’re less likely to tolerate the immaturity and the miscommunications and the petty arguments. It’s really nice when you’re finally in a relationship that’s not mostly drama.
You Can Kiss Your Partner In Public
Despite the rules, we all saw those couples that would kiss in the high school hallway. How is it that they always seem to be doing it in front of your locker? Isn’t that always the case? In high school, hall monitors would yell at us for public displays of affection and our friends would make fun of us. In college, no one really cares what you’re doing as long as you’re not being gross.
Your Parents Aren’t Around
No one’s telling you when you have to be home by. Your parents aren’t vetting the people you bring home and telling you whether or not they think you should be dating them. They don’t necessarily know about every date you go on, and that freedom can be really nice. Now you don’t have to worry about what your parents think of your dates until you’re sure about them.
Your Peers Don’t Care About Your Relationship
In high school, who’s dating who and who recently broke up was the hot gossip. Probably because we have nothing better to do than talk about each other’s dating lives since we’re not going to gossip about The French Revolution or Punnett squares. When you’re dating in college, however, most people in your school won’t know who you are and they don’t care who you’re dating if they don’t know one of the two of you.
Sure, your friends will still gossip about it within your friend group, but gone are the days of the whole school knowing your business (unless you get stuck in some really big drama, but let’s all just hope that doesn’t happen).