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5 Horror Games To Play With Your SO

5 Horror Games To Play With Your SO

5 Horror Games To Play With Your SO

One of my favorite features of the PlayStation 4 has been the ability to simply plug your headphones directly into the controller. For those unaware, multiple controllers can hear game audio no matter if the game allows for multiplayer. This seemingly minor feature has allowed countless horror games to terrify my girlfriend and me over the years. Here are five horror games you should experience with your SO!

The Outlast Series.

Have you ever wondered what getting chased by a horde of psychotic people felt like? With only your trusty handheld camera, you’re forced to either run or hide from your pursuers. No matter if you’re playing the original set inside an insane asylum or the sequel which takes place in a rural area filled with religious fanatics, your heart will be pounding every second. The series doesn’t shy away from ultra gory/disturbing moments so if you don’t mind being possibly traumatized, this game is extremely tense even with your SO sitting next to you.

Resident Evil 7.

The triumphant return of this classic horror series shocked fans all over the world. Using the classic haunted house motif, RE7 flips the script by returning to classic horror gameplay along with a switch to a first-person perspective. The true stars of the show, however, are the entire cast of the Baker family. Without spoiling too much, this happy family constantly relentlessly hunts you down throughout the entire game. Each family member has memorable characteristics that make you dread/enjoy their presence at the same time. I highly recommend getting the gold edition of the game which features all bonus content. This is also a great game to play with your SO before the highly Resident Evil 2 remake releases soon.



Not in the mood for so much blood and gore but still wanna be terrified? Play SOMA, the game that will literally give you an existential crisis. Set in a post-apocalyptical world at the bottom of the sea, SOMA makes the player question what does it mean to be human? Do our bodies define who we are? At what cost are will willing to continue existing before we are no longer considered human? These may seem like vague descriptions of the game but the discovering the plot and themes for yourself is what makes the SOMA experience special. If you’re in the mood for a unique horror game with a gripping story than look no further. Although you may need to hug your boyfriend/girlfriend afterward…

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The Last of Us.

Honestly…what else can be said about this modern classic? The game has garnered multiple G.O.T.Y awards and the PS4 remastered only improves on the original release. The premise is basically that of your stereotypical zombie outbreak (yes I know that they aren’t technically zombies) but the execution of these tropes is what places TLOU in a league of its own. You’re not a one-man zombie killing army and have to be tactical about every decision you make. Not only is the gameplay intense and satisfying but the story elevates the gaming genre. There’s a reason why Youtube has plenty of videos about people crying at the intro of the game. So if you and your boyfriend/girlfriend haven’t experienced this masterpiece, you can usually find the game for $20 or less now.


Until Dawn.

This…this game was made for couples. Everyone has watched some cheesy slasher movie and wondered, “why are these characters making horrible decisions?” Well in Until Dawn you can finally control multiple characters within an immersive horror experience. Control what they say and do as you attempt to survive the night! Not only are the graphics and sound stellar but the game features different endings that allow for multiple playthroughs. Couples can ever swap the controller between each other and play whatever character they gravitate to. Luckily this PS4 classic is only $20 now so I highly recommend playing this one ASAP!

Got more games to add to the list? Tell us below!

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