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The Types Of People You Run Into When You’re Home For Break

The Types Of People You Run Into When You’re Home For Break

Whether this is the first semester you're home for break or it's your last, people from home never change. Here are 6 types of people you'll run into!

After a little over 3 months, you have been away from home. You have made new friends, learned new things and started to make your own path away from your high school life. It is now Thanksgiving break and you pack up your summer clothes to bring home to switch out with your winter clothes. When you arrive home, your parents are so happy to see you, your dog is overjoyed, and your siblings are trying to get out of your room before you notice.Your mom asks you if you want to go out to the grocery store with her and this is where to begin to run into your high school classmates. These are the 6 types of people you will definitely run into when you’re home for break!

1. Your best friend

This is the one person you were so excited to see. You two already know about your college experiences. It’s like no time has passed between the two of you.

2. The gap year kid

This is the kid that just didn’t go the same way as all of your classmates. Whether they stayed home or went on a vacation, you two just don’t connect anymore because you have different experiences.


3. The couple

That couple that made it through the first semester of college and still going strong. They were always super touchy in high school and they are just the same since they are seeing each other for the first time in 3 months.

4. The mean girls

They’re still mean and still giving you the snobby looks. You go up to them to say hi and ask how they are doing, but they have no interest.

5. The nerd

They are already ahead in college and are on track to graduate early. They were shy in high school, but you were nice to them.

See Also
The worn wooden floor, the smell of hairspray, and the crackle of the microphones being turned on. These are the signs you lived on the stage in high school

6. The Ex

You have major history with this person and seeing them again could bring back bad or good memories. Whatever they are, you are kinda glad you saw them to see if they put on that freshman 15. They did.

Are there any other types of people you run into when you’re home for break!? Share in the comments below!

Featured Image: weheartit
