10 Home Decor Ideas All Book Lovers Will Enjoy

We all have that one friend who is an intense and devoted book lover, or maybe you’re one yourself (proudly raises hand)! I can think of nothing that we book lovers enjoy more than reading, except maybe for buying things that remind us of our love of books, which includes home decor! When we’re not browsing our favorite bookstore or local library, we are thinking of ways to live out our dream of living in one so you can imagine our excitement when we find the perfect home decor to match our personalities. Here are ten home decor ideas all book lovers will enjoy!
1. Tree Branch Book Shelf
In case you wanted a more creative way to display your extensive collection of books, this tree branch bookshelf is the perfect home decor idea for any book lover! It makes for a great DIY project or you can get one already made and ready to house your books!
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2. Book Stair Decals
I could never imagine stepping on a book, but these fun stair decals truly transform your home into a book lover’s dream! What can be better than going up and down the stairs every day and looking at all your favorite book titles?
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3. This Pillow That Says It All
You can never have enough fluffy pillows when you’re settling down for the night with a good book! This pillow is honest about your habits, comfy, and will go great with the rest of your bookish home decor!
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4. Book Planters
For the book lovers who are also avid gardeners, you’ll love this book shaped planter! There’s a good metaphor in this too, showing just how much books help us grow!
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5. Book Plates
There are plenty of bookish decor ideas for every room in your home, including the kitchen! Serve some cookies and other pastries on these cute book shaped plates whenever you have guests over or make yourself your favorite dinner recipe for when you want a night in alone. After you’ve read a few chapters of your current book of course!
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6. A Book Clock
Time is but a figment of the imagination for book lovers. We hardly ever glance at the clock when we are absorbed in a good book, and when we do, it’s always way past the time we said we’d start cleaning up or doing homework. Still, this book clock is a nice reminder that time spent reading is time well spent!
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7. A Book Pencil Holder
For those times when we have to sit at our desks and actually get some work done, this bookish pencil holder is a great companion. It’ll serve as a lovely reminder that there are books waiting to be read as soon as we finish!
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8. Bookends That Speak The Truth
Sadly, we have to face the reality that time, in fact, does exist and that there are so many books we have yet to discover and won’t be able to read. These bookends will keep your books from falling over and express your disappointment in the fact that you simply can’t read fast enough.
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9. These Amazing Curtains
Since most book lovers prefer to stay home reading versus going out to “have fun,” these curtains are the perfect way to shut out the rest of the world from bothering you and your precious stash of books!
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10. The Perfect Wall Art
And in case your friends missed the rest of your bookish home decor, this wall art practically screams how much you love to read! A bonus point is that it also serves as extra bookshelves!
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