15 Hiking Outfits That Are Cute AF

Hiking outfits are something that need to have a lot of thought put into them. Not only will you need to dress accordingly with the season and weather, but you will also need to take into account what the nature is like. Going on a hike is not just simple fun for those whom enjoy the outdoors. There are many scenarios you should take into account before you plan to go hiking. Now, just because you need to be safe while hiking, doesn’t mean your hiking outfit can’t be cute AF. Here you will see ways to prepare for a hike and have a hiking outfit that is cute.
Summer Hiking Outfit
A hiking outfit that consist of a cotton t-shirt and shorts, are a perfect example of an acceptable summer hiking outfit. Usually during the summer nights, it does become chilly during the night. If you plan on camping out, you should pair a over shirt with your hiking outfit. This way you won’t be too chilly once the campfire has gone out. Dressing in a comfortable yet functional outfit for your hike is the perfect way to ensure you get the best experience out of your day.
Autumn Hiking Outfit
If you are planning a hiking trip during the autumn months, you want to cover a bit more with your hiking outfit. Some days can be rather chilly, and it doesn’t matter how fast you are walking you can’t always be too prepared. During these hikes, you should think about creating a hiking outfit that matches a sweater. This will help keep you warm when you take a break, but also let some of the refreshing breeze through whilst you are enjoying your hike.
Winter Hiking Outfit
If you happen to go hiking during the winter season, there are many things you need to watch out for and plan for. Winter and Summer are two of the most dangerous seasons to be out hiking in. However, if you are prepared correctly there should be no problems. When creating a hiking outfit for the winter months, you obviously need a jacket. No matter how hot you get whilst on this hike, you will become frozen without a jacket. Also, it is recommended that you wear an over shirt. Something to help keep you warm if for at any reason you must remove your jacket.
Spring Hiking Outfit
When you are planning a spring hiking outfit, you should mix and match clothing. You should have something to keep you warm if the weather turns cool, but also have something to help you stay cool if the weather turns hot. Spring weather is one of the most bipolar seasons that the world goes through. It is best to be prepared for anything that mother nature may throw at you while on a spring hike. I recommend wearing a sweater or over shirt, something to keep you somewhat warm if it becomes chilly. However, you are best wearing pants as well. If you do find yourself in weather that becomes warm, you should have a t-shirt. This outfit will keep you both warm and cool, for whatever spring weather mother nature has to offer.
Desert Hiking Outfit
When hiking in the desert, your hiking outfit will have to have more thought put into it. You want to wear something with a thin fabric, but you also want to be protected against the suns rays. Depending on how long you will be on this hike, and how you feel about yoga pants. I would advice your hiking outfit be something that actually has to do with athletic wear. However, it can become cool in the deserts over night. So if you are planning on camping out in the desert during your hike. I would suggest packing along an over shirt.
Early Morning Hiking Outfit
If you are planning on going on an early morning hike, you should have a hiking outfit that fits not only the season, but also something that will keep you warm during the cool mornings. Typically, every season has a cool morning breeze, that is why it is best to have a lite jacket or sweater with your hiking outfit. However, if you plan on staying out on your hike long into the day, be sure you have a suitable shirt on under your over-shirt, that will not cause you to become uncomfortable during your hike.
Forest Hiking Outfit
When you are planning to go hiking in the woods, there are many different things you must consider. Typically, hikers will start their hike in the early morning, and if you are going for a hike in the woods then the shaded area will drop the temperature even more. Wearing a jacket or over-shirt for a forest hike is an ideal choice. You would also want to wear jeans and boots. This way if you walk through a brier patch, your legs will be protected.
Lake Hiking Outfit
When you are planning to take a hiking trip near a body of water, you want to be prepared for not only the seasons weather, but also you should be prepared for any type of accident that may accrue. Having a jacket and over-shirt for your hiking outfit is ideal for both situations. Hiking around a lake during the winter months is dangerous because of the chance of frost build up. If you happen to step on an ice patch of rocks and fall into the lake, you want to be prepared by having that jacket or over-shirt. You also want to possible have another outfit packed in-case of that situation.
Also when hiking be sure to pick up a piece of wood to use as a walking stick after a while. This will help you pace yourself as the day drags on, and your body becomes tired. Don’t forget to pack yourself a lunch, plenty of water, and first-aid kit. You should always be prepared for anything that could happen on a hike.
Which one of these hiking outfits are you looking forward to wearing on your next hike?
I am a student majoring in Creative writing.