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Here’s Your Horoscope For The Month Of February

Here’s Your Horoscope For The Month Of February

Here is your horoscope for the month of February! It's Aquarius season, so there are lots of happenings and with the solar eclipse, expect some big changes in your life.

Buckle up Aquarius babes! It’s your season to shine. The first month of the year finished off with a total lunar eclipse in Leo on the 31st – possibly causing some conflicts and issues to resurface that were present last August during the total solar eclipse. For some, this could mean the doors have finally closed on a recurring theme in your life the past few months and for others you may have recently been experiencing feelings of Déjà vu. But not to worry, as January comes to an end and February begins there are many happenings to look forward to this month. With the partial solar eclipse on the 15th, look out for some big changes on all fronts. Here is your horoscope for the month of February:

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

Key days: Feb 4th, Feb 15th



All eyes are on you this month, Aquarius, and for good reason! You may have gotten off to a slow start in January, but that was expected of you, and now you’re going to hit the ground running. The sun enters your sign at the beginning of the month until mid February causing the first two weeks to be a time of hitting your personal goals and checking off all the to-do’s on your list. You are motivated now more than ever, just make sure to take a step back and real yourself in if you feel you are being pulled in multiple directions. You can’t help that everyone wants a piece of your eccentric and bubbly self this month!


It’s pretty likely that you’ve been going back and forth with a romantic situation in your life. Maybe you’re finally thinking about turning the page and starting a new solo chapter in your life – or maybe you’ve subconsciously found yourself wanting more from that casual fling you’ve been having. Either way, you’re not sure…and that’s okay! Venus leaves your sign for Pisces on the 13th signalling a shift in your thoughts and feelings. Now is the time to truly reflect on what you want in life and make moves to progress forward.


Pisces (Feb 19-March 20)

Key days: Feb 4th, Feb 10th


There are many things to look forward to this month Pisces, besides your birthday! It’s time to get yourself back on track if you’ve been feeling all over the place lately (thanks to the departure of the total lunar eclipse on January 31st.) With the Sun in Aquarius and your twelfth house of healing and release until the 18th, you will take this time to reflect, recuperate and direct your attention toward your wellness. Now is the time to prepare yourself for what Pisces season has in store for you!



Maybe you’ve put love and romance on the backburner lately because you havent been feeling up to par. Midway through February, expect a change – a good one! Your flirtatious charm will be kicked into overdrive as Venus enters your sign. And what perfect timing for Valentine’s day! If you’re a coupled-up Pisces you’ll really be feeling the love from your partner. And if you’re single, get out there and mingle – you’re feeling fine AF so don’t hide behind the curtains any longer!

Aries (March 21-Apr 19)

Key days: Feb 3, Feb 21



Out with the old and in with the new – it’s time to shake things up this month Aries! You’ll find yourself thinking a lot about the future this month, scheming new plans and goals for how you can make more money and get ahead in life. Mercury connects with your ruling planet Mars on the 3rd, allowing for an opportune time to drum up those plans and kick start them into action. Expect a shift in the flow of things on February 15th, when the solar eclipse in Aquarius arrives. You will tune all your energy into what’s right for you when it comes to relationships and career – and suddenly – everything will start making sense.



It’s important to listen to your gut this month Aries. The beginning of February brings a focus on friendships and group activities. When February 10th hits, expect a shift in your romantic life. Those distant thoughts of interacting intellectually and physically with another person might slowly start creeping back in, and sooner than later you could possibly find a new romantic connection..or reignite an old flame.

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

Key days: Feb 2, Feb 10



Big changes are never easy for you Taurus, but it’s eclipse season so prepare yourself. A huge focus on your work life comes to the forefront this month. Expect the unexpected when it comes to professional relationships, your social intuition is on fire right now, so don’t downplay it. If you combine your ambitious, goal orientated side with your natural charisma, it can you lead you down a successful path.


Do you feel like you’re finally coming down from a drawn-out emotional hangover? Maybe you’ve been slightly moody or sensitive the past few weeks…and if so, that’s totally okay! Venus, the planet of love and attraction enters your social eleventh house on the 10th, so don’t be afraid to let your guard down (for once!), relax and be open to meeting new people and making new friends!


Gemini (May 21-Jun 20)

Key days: Feb 3, Feb 25


This is a month of possibilities for you, Gemini! You’re feeling energized and adventurous. Your ruling planet Mercury connects with Mars, the planet of energy, action and desire at the beginning of the month, so if you want something, go after it! Everything you’ve accomplished over the past few months will finally begin to pay off so use this power wisely.



Has your heart been beating a little faster lately? Whether you’re a single Gemini or coupled up….the romance sector of your life has definitely been on your mind recently..maybe you’ve even been feeling the pressure to sync up with a love interest . Just try to take it easy, relax, and let things unfold naturally. Trust that things will work out the way they are meant to.

Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22)

Key days: Feb 4, Feb 15



You’re ruled by the moon, Cancer, signifying that eclipses are especially powerful for you. And lucky for you, the 15th will bring a solar eclipse, also bringing the ability to drastically shake things up for you. It’s important to track and stay on top of your finances, time and goals this month. As long as you handle one matter at a time, you’re motivation will lead you to success as action and energy-driven Mars travels through your sector.



Venus, the planet of love hangs out with the powerful Sun in your intimacy zone until the 10th. Now is the time to communicate with your partner on problems you may have been avoiding for a while. And for single Cancers, a casual hookup can lead to something more long-term and serious. Just remember to take your time and don’t try to rush what’s in store for you!

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

Key days: Feb 18, Feb 21



February is the month to start focusing on yourself, Leo! Your coming down from the lunar eclipse that ended on January 31st feeling ready to take on your goals, address your current state and move forward to bigger and better things. You’re basically in the midst of a makeover Leo, and that is something to be excited about!


There will be a slight shift in your one-track mind as the solar eclipse hits us on the 15th. With the sun in your seventh house of partnership till the 18th, those few days in between will be heavily focused on the relationships in your life. Now is the time to ask yourself what you want. With this new and improved version of yourself, you have a new outlook on the types of people you let into your life. Let go of those who serve you no purpose, and allow yourself to get closer to those who light a spark inside of you. They’re the ones worth keeping around.


Virgo (Aug 23-Sept 22)

Key days: Feb 10, Feb 25


The intuitive lunar eclipse that ended on January 31st will continue to rock your boat well into February. There’s a good chance you’ve recently been dealing with some unexpected news or secrets that have been surfacing in your life, and you’re ready to take action! As February begins, you’re finally moving on from the past and the rut you’ve been stuck in.  Mars is in your fourth house of home this month, so expect family relationships to come to the forefront this month.



It may be the month of love, but your sights aren’t necessarily set on romance this month. You’re more in-tuned to yourself and your living situation at the beginning of the month. When the eclipse hits on the 15th, you may feel a shift and slowly begin to pay more attention to the relationship aspect of your life. You might find yourself dealing with strong emotions or feelings through the tail end of the month, just remember to stay level-headed in whatever romantic situations you’re dealing with and you will be okay.

 Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)

Key days: Feb 15, Feb 25

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You’re a buzzing bee this month, Libra! The Sun is illuminating your fifth house this month, putting the focus on creativity, romance and pure joy. You’re in the mood to party and that’s what you’re going to do. Just make sure you’re resting enough in between all the social activities you’ll be involved in throughout the first two weeks of the month -also be sure to keep an eye on your bank account 😉



With Mars in your third house of communication this month, you take center stage. When it comes to your relationships this month, everyone is all ears. If a budding romance is ont the horizon, you know just what to say to ‘woo’ your crush. Just watch out at the end of the month for any undesirable traits in your partner or love interest you may begin to notice. This doesn’t need to lead to a break-up, just watch what you say and focus on the good in this person, it’s more than likely only temporary angst that will smooth itself over.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)

Key days: Feb 10, Feb 21



This is your month, Scorpio! It’s likely you’ve been dealing with a lot of revelations lately due to the aftermath of the lunar eclipse on January 31st. You may have been dealing with some issues at home or at work, but now you’re ready to break free from the past, be daring and use that assertive personality of yours to go after what you want! Your work life and home life are both very active right now due to the Sun crossing through your domestic fourth house until the 18th, but out of all people, you can juggle all the balls you’re dealing with.



To be honest, romance hasn’t been at the top of your agenda lately, Scorpio. You’ve been more focused on work life, finances and family recently. But on the 10th, Venus finally makes its way into your romance sector, allowing you to shift your focus and your BAE will suddenly begin flooding your mind lately. And for single Scorpios, head to a bar for goodness sake, you’re finally in the mindset to meet someone new, so make it happen!

Saggitarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

Key days: Feb 10, Feb 15



This is a big month for you, Sagittarius, just make sure to keep yourself in check and things will run smoothly. Right now you’re filled with energy and a “can-do” attitude. Venus and your ruling planet Jupiter clash on the 4th. Watch what you say around this time. Others are super receptive to the words that come out of your mouth.  Toward the second half of February, you might be feeling slightly emotional. That’s okay, roll with the punches and self-healing will emerge, leaving you feeling ready to take on the world.


With all these emotions circling through your brain lately, you might be a little sensitive starting on the 10th – but in a good way! If you’re coupled up, maybe you’re thinking about taking that next step. And if you’re single, you’re in the mood for more than just a physical connection. Go out and do the things you love, whatever that activity may be, this is where you’re bound to make those romantic connections you’ve been hoping for!


Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

Key days: Feb 17, Feb 25


It’s time to regroup, Capricorn. You’re slowly coming down from the high of that lunar eclipse that passed through at the end of January. It’s likely that something major happened in your life the past few weeks whether it be work-related or centered on relationships and home life. On the 10th, Venus, the planet of love and money comes knocking. There are good things to be on the look out for. Sure, there are lot’s of changes going on in your life right now, but trust that everything happens for a reason and you will find your peace within this wild ride.



Does your love life feel like an arrow pointing in all directions right now? Maybe you’ve just parted ways with a partner or you’ve recently found the love of your life. Either way, your emotions have been on another level. Stay calm and sensible this month, Capricorn, trust your gut and have that difficult conversation you’ve been wanting to have.

What do you think of your horoscope for the month? Let us know down below!
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