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Here’s Why You Should Stop Being So Impulsive

Here’s Why You Should Stop Being So Impulsive

Sometimes, we get the urge to do or say something and can’t help but make impulsive decisions in the process. I know, I do this a lot (maybe even too much). And while you might feel good about your impulsive behaviour when you do it, in the long run, there are countless consequences that you have to face as a result of your actions. I know it’s hard to resist the urge to say something mean when you’re angry, or to stop yourself from eating another serving of food- but here’s why you should stop being so impulsive.

You might do something you’ll regret

It goes without saying that impulsive decisions aren’t the best kinds. When you’re in an impulsive and reckless state, you’re not thinking about the possible consequences that might transpire as a result of your actions. Even if it’s something as small as spending too much money and regretting it right after, or maybe something much bigger like making your parents upset because you impulsively dropped a university subject (I know how this feels from experience), it isn’t worth it.


You’re going to hurt someone sooner or later

Poor impulse control might very well be the thing that cost you your friendships and relationships. I know how it feels like to want to scream at someone because you’re angry or upset, but impulsively doing so is just going to make things worse. Not only that, but even if you refrain from making a rude comment at someone you know, your regular impulsive decisions might indirectly affect and hurt the people around you as well.

You can kiss all your money goodbye

Impulsive shopping is probably something you do very often, but it isn’t something you should be proud of. Reckless decisions made while shopping can put you in a lot of debt if not properly regulated, and isn’t something anyone should want to strive for. Stopping this bad habit now before it gets out of hand is the first step in saving money, and avoiding situations you never want to be in. Plus, imagine all the things you could’ve gotten if only you waited a little longer before you impluse bought!


Your health is going to decline

Letting yourself eat another piece of cake, or another bag of chips, might feel good now, but soon enough your health is going to receive the burnt of your impulsive decisions. The sad truth of impulsive behaviours, is that most of the time we let it affect our health in what we choose to eat, or do. Whether it be impulsively drinking alcohol just because you felt like it, or choosing to get the hamburger over the salad- these are all the ways impulses can affect our health negatively.

See Also
Read through this open letter to my mom for a heartfelt expression of how much we should appreciate our mothers and what they do for us!


You won’t feel good about yourself in the long run

It might feel rewarding when you’re in the midst of committing your impulsive acts, but in the long run, you aren’t going to feel good about yourself. Sooner or later, the consequences of your actions are going to catch up to you. And when they do, you’ll ask yourself why you let yourself make those decisions in the first place. Your mood is going to be ruined, and you’re going to start hating yourself bit by bit.


Do you have poor impulse control? Or maybe you know someone who does? Leave your thoughts and opinions on impulsive behaviour and why you should regulate them down in the comments below and don’t forget to share this article to friends and family who might need the wake-up call!

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