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Here’s Why Keeping a Journal Is Great For Your Mental Health

Here’s Why Keeping a Journal Is Great For Your Mental Health

People use personal journals to divulge their deepest secrets, worst fears, big dreams, self-doubts and so forth, without the worry of all those things getting exposed in public.Here's why keeping a journal is great for your mental health.

Personal journals are a tremendous help in helping keep your mental health healthy and intact. People use personal journals to divulge their deepest secrets, worst fears, big dreams, self-doubts and so forth, without the worry of all those things getting exposed in public.Here’s why keeping a journal is great for your mental health.

Clear your mind

Having a personal journal where you can freely let out all that is entangled in your mind, can help keep your mind clear, stress-free and feel peaceful. It’s truly cathartic to write down all that bothers you or motivates you so that way it’s just not building up on the inside of you that can potentially make you feel like a ticking time bomb.

Rehash the day

I honestly feel that everyone should have a personal journal where they say all they need or want to say. Personally, I feel such great liberation when I write in a personal journal at night about all that transpired earlier in the day and all that mind conjures up in the process. I also am a writer so having a personal journal is usually a given for writers in general.


Mental health

It is not healthy at all for your overall mental health, to keep what you are feeling or going through, bottled up on the inside. Eventually, you will snap and possibly have a mental break down. If you are uncomfortable with talking to someone out of fear they might tell your business or judge you for what you tell them, then write it all down in your journal instead where all your thoughts can be safe.

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Mental health is something that a lot of people in today’s society take too lightly. We all go through various different trials and tribulations that no one knows about. Create a personal journal for yourself so you can have an outlet where you can release all that you need to.

Are you thinking about keeping a journal? Let us know in the comments below!
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