Here’s How To Prepare For Your Career At FSU

College is one of the most exciting and nerve-racking time of your whole life. Not too long ago, you were just a kid in high school who had to get a hall pass to use the restroom, and now you are living alone, trying to decide what the heck you want to do for the rest of your life. Thankfully Florida State University provides an abundance of wonderful resources to assist students in this crazy time. Utilize your school’s resources but also take individual steps to ensure your greatest success in a career.
Familiarize yourself with your academic advisors:
One of the very first things you should do is look up who your academic advisor is. Be aware that who your advisor depends on what college you are in. If you do not know who your advisor is, click here for the FSU Advisor Search page. Whenever you have questions about scheduling, prerequisite classes, or any general questions about your major, contact your advisor or attend their walk-in hours. Their contact information and hours are listed on the site provided above. You should always see your advisor to verify that your class schedule is appropriate and leading you on the right track for your career.
Get good grades:
It’s pretty obvious that you should be striving for good grades in college but it can be pretty distracting to live in a college town with parties going on every night. Know how to manage your time effectively so that you can ace your classes as well as enjoy your nights out. Treat your classes as a job. Don’t show up late, pay attention in class, take notes, familiarize with your teachers, and try your hardest on assignments and tests. Achieving good grades will provide you with a plethora of knowledge, help you stand out to employers, and will teach you skills that will stay with you long after college.
Join school clubs and organizations that pertain to your interests:
College is a great time to explore your interests and find out what you like. Join clubs that you think you would be interested in but don’t join every single one on the list. Realistically you won’t be able to attend meetings for 10+ clubs every semester. Be picky yet open-minded. Choose clubs that will provide you with a meaningful experience that will aid you in your future profession. Click here to view a list of Florida State University clubs and organizations.
Identify your favorite teachers and subjects:
Once you’ve realized you really respect a certain teacher or enjoy a particular subject, go the extra mile for them.
A teacher you greatly respect can serve as a wonderful mentor or resource. Make appointments with them for extra help, always participate during class, and turn in quality work. Creating a respectful and professional relationship with your teacher can help ensure your success in the class as well as serve as a resource for letters of recommendation or for learning more about a specific field or profession.
Additionally, once you have identified that a certain subject greatly interests you, delve right into it. Go the extra mile in that class by earning a good grade, but take it further by asking your teacher or other staff members, questions about the field. Engaging your curiosity will help you navigate what subjects interest you and therefore, what professions interest you.
Stay updated with campus events:
FSU hosts a variety of wonderful events throughout every semester. Be sure to sign up for newsletters and updates so that you can make plans to attend as many events as possible. Attending school events is a great way to meet new people, improve your social skills, and learn more about different fields, activities, people, departments, and so much more. Click here to access FSU’s Event Calendar.
Attend FSU International Coffee Hour:
Coffee Hour is a wonderful cultural event held every Friday in the Globe Dining Room from 5:00-6:30 p.m. All FSU students, faculty, and staff are welcome for a refreshment and snack which represents a certain culture. Every week a new culture is celebrated. Attending this event is a great way to network with a variety of people and to learn more about international culture.
Utilize the FSU Career Center:
The Career Center is one of the best resources Florida State University offers. The Career Center assists students with learning more about certain industries with career-oriented advising, perfecting resumes and cover letters, gaining experience, learning more about graduate school, and what steps should be taken for professional success. Click here to be directed to the Career Center’s website. Whether you just want your resume to be looked at by a second pair of eyes or are looking for guidance in choosing a career path, the amazing members of the Career Center will be able to put you in the right direction!
Join Handshake:
Whether you are actively looking for a job or just want to see what kind of jobs are out there, you should absolutely join Handshake. Handshake is the Career Center’s system that links students and alumni with employers. It is a wonderful tool for students to peruse job opportunities at no extra cost. Simply login with your FSU information, create a Handshake account and explore at your heart’s desire. Click here to be directed to Handshake’s login page.
Go to the library every day:
Going to the library every day will help you create a routine that will set you up for success. You will learn how to schedule your time effectively and will be able to take full advantage of FSU’s library resources. Whether you like to study alone or in groups, the library will have space for you. You will also have access to free tutoring, library equipment, printing, and so much more. Take advantage of this much access to knowledge and resources while you still can! Click here to learn more about Florida State University Libraries.