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Here Are All The Crazy Celebrity Diets And Why You Should Avoid Them

Here Are All The Crazy Celebrity Diets And Why You Should Avoid Them

Celebrities are constantly being interviewed by magazines about their diets, how else are we supposed to know how they get those ridiculously beautiful bodies?! But the truth of the matter is sometimes it’s dangerously unhealthy to follow those diets. A lot of them lack the nutrients we need to be healthy, and being healthy should always be prioritized over looking good.

I did some research on celebrity diets so you can make the most informed decision before jumping on that bandwagon. You just might end up sticking to your intake of nachos, soda, and the occasional salad (although that’s obviously not ideal, either!)

Atkins Diet

Kim Kardashian swears by this low-carb diet– it’s apparently how she lost 60 pounds of baby weight in just a few short months. Combined with a rigorous exercise routine, it can help you drop weight like it’s your job. But is it something you should try? Probably not. This diet requires you to eat a lot of animal protein, like steak and fats, which can increase your risk of heart disease. 


Plus, fruit and bread, even whole grain bread, is frowned upon on the Atkins diet. Fruit is filled with healthy sugars and fiber, so it’s generally not good to cut it out altogether. You’re also more likely to get dehydrated on this celebrity diet, which can have some nasty side effects like constipation. You’re better off saying no thanks to this crazy diet, even if it means holding onto those extra pounds.


Halle Berry is a huge fan of this other low-carb diet, which relies on healthy fats from avocado, coconuts, and grass-fed butter to give you the nutrients you need. However, this trendy celebrity diet can make you feel terrible. There’s a phase everyone goes through on this diet called the “keto flu,” which means you’re irritable, have awful headaches, and low energy. These side-effects should be enough to turn you off of this diet.


It may burn fat quickly because the body goes into ketosis, which means the body begins to burn fat instead of glucose, but it’s probably worth holding onto that fat and just eating what you want instead of heavily restricting yourself.

Master Cleanse

The only reason you lose weight on this very unhealthy juice cleanse is that you’re not eating anything! Beyonce used it to lose 20 pounds in two weeks for her role in the movie Dreamgirls. Yolanda Foster from Real Housewives is also a fan. But this is one celebrity diet you’ll want to stay far away from. 


This diet substitutes food of all kinds for a lemonade based drink with maple syrup, and although it may make you lose weight fast, you’re probably going to gain it all back the second you’re done with this crazy cleanse. The master cleanse claims it will detox your body, but there’s no need to starve ourselves to do that because that’s what your liver is for! If you really feel the need to detox, just cut out alcohol. It’s much safer than only drinking lemonade for god knows how long.

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Macrobiotic Diet

Gwenyth Paltrow is a big fan of this bonkers celebrity diet that’s based on principles from Zen Buddhism. It’s super strict– no meat, and all vegetables, fruits, and grains should be locally grown. Not only is it way more expensive to follow, but it’s also complicated, too, especially on a college student budget. It probably won’t make you feel very good either since you’ll continuously be obsessing over where your food came from.

This celebrity diet is also weirdly focused on what kind of utensils you cook with. Anything plastic or pans with a non-stick coating are strictly forbidden. Although that is better for the environment, it certainly isn’t something you need to constantly worry about. There are too many strange rules with this diet, so I would stay away if I were you.


Have you heard of any of these celebrity diets? What’s your favorite way to stay healthy while losing weight? Let’s hear about it in the comments!

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