We all can agree that college life is already hard enough as it is. You’re hours or even states away in some cases, and you’re having a tough time. Maybe you have a mean professor, or you’re getting too overwhelmed with the workload. It shouldn’t be this hard, so why not make it a tiny bit easier on yourself.
From tumblers to cork-boards to planners, here’s a few key items you may want to invest in to make your college life easier.
Ah, a planner. It’s pretty obvious, but you would be surprised how many students don’t have a planner, and prefer to just remember everything. It’s not a great system, that much is sure. You’ll be stuck trying to figure out what Mr. Smith assigned two days ago and panicking because you can’t remember.
“Be You, Be Kind” is a simple phrase that every college student should hear. Hearing this everyday might be enough to lift your spirits up, and make your college life way easier.
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This 22 oz tumbler from Hydroflask is sure to make your college life a lot toastier. This bad boy can keep your cold liquids chilly up to 24 hours, and your hot liquids toasty up to 6 hours. That sounds pretty great to us!
This tumbler is perfect for both super hot and outrageously cold days. You’ll be able to go to class carefree knowing that you won’t have annoyingly lukewarm liquids in your Hydroflask.
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Yet another obvious one! Consider this a reminder from us to you. Please, please, please get a flashdrive. Don’t rely on the power of the almighty computer to be able to save your files. Because one day, that thing is gonna crash, and that essay that’s due in 30 minutes is gone, and there’s no reasonably timed way for you to get that thing back.
So to make your college life easier on yourself, get a flashdrive! You’ll thank your future-self later; trust us, and trust the thousands of other poor college students who’s assignments are lost to time and their computer’s data.
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Not only are these Hexagon Bulletin Tiles super cute and useful as a dorm decor piece, it’s also good for assignment reminders, photos, and anything else in your college life that you may want to put on here.
They’re super efficient, and will definitely help you out when you’re struggling to remember what your classes are. Then you’ll look up and they’ll be right there to remind you!
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This adorable desktop organizer is another useful item that will help you out in your — you guessed it — organization. Need a pin? Get it from your organizer! Need a pencil quickly? Desktop organizer!
Whatever way you end up using this desktop organizer, it’ll make your college life easier. It also looks really cute as a decor piece too!
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Let’s say you have posters, or any wall art you’ve printed out. You’re at Walmart, or Target, and you’re wondering how in the world you’re going out hang these things without absolutely decimating the paint in your dorm. And then you’re panicking because the paint got chipped off.
To solve this metaphorical problem, get poster strips! Poster strips are small, easy to take off, and is much stronger and better notan normal double sided tape. Double sided tape is alright, but often times, it doesn’t stay on the wall half the time, causing any photos or posters to come tumbling down. It’s just annoying.
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This compact and portable vanity mirror is great for when you’re heading out on the night of the town and you need to put on makeup. It’s easy to put away when not needed, and easy to set up when you do.
It’s perfect! You’ll never get caught dead with shoddy makeup with this thing. It’s pretty bright too.
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Is your apartment or room unbearably hot, and you need some cooling down? Are you just mildly uncomfortable by the heat? This fan will definitely cool you down! Like the name says, it’s got three speeds, so whatever you’re feeling that day, you can crank it up or turn it down.
I’m sure your roommate might appreciate it too, if it’s a super hot day.
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You need more space. We all know dorm and apartment rooms are pretty small, so to combat this, you need more storage! And for that, you’ll need some bed risers. You could always get plastic ones, but one could argue that those are a bit more noticeable, whereas these wooden ones are more sleek!
With bed risers, you open the space under your bed up, allowing for more possibilities for storage, or even a tiny fort if you’re feeling creative. Definitely a common and useful college life hack for any college student.
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This recommendation is a bit less physical, and more digital. It is pretty useful for your college life, though. Brain FM is an app that provides you with music for you to listen to to focus, relax, and sleep better!
They provide scientifically made music to help you do all of the above! The app says the music improves focus, sleep, and overall, general relaxation. You should totally check this out if you have trouble focusing or sleeping.
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College life is wack enough as it is, with paying tuition, trying to meet friends in a world where we can’t be around people, and trying to keep up with schoolwork. Anything to make things easier is a great thing. So whether it’s using bed risers, or just finally organizing your life in a planner, all of these items are great, and will definitely make your college life easier. Good luck!
Featured Image: https://unsplash.com/photos/6KRT9SQeYuQ
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