
10 Healthy Summer Recipes To Keep That Bikini Body

Healthy summer recipes are hard to come by when everyone’s enjoying juicy barbecue by grill and downing margaritas by the pool to cool off. But to keep those tight, rock hard abs in the middle of bikini season, you can’t overindulge in all the sugar and carbs. You need some healthy alternatives to while everyone else is feasting and these recipes are exactly what you need. You don’t have to miss out on the fun, social gatherings just because you want to choose a healthier lifestyle. Here are 10 healthy summer recipes that are just as good as any summer classic but won’t ruin your figure.

1. Crispy Baked Tofu Nuggets

Chicken nuggets might be a childhood classic but if you want to try going vegetarian this summer or just want to expand your culinary horizons, you should try these tofu nuggets from Pickled Plum. Instead of being deep frying, these nuggets are baked. This will reduce the amount of oil in your diet! Tofu might sound scary and bland to you but don’t worry, these tofu nuggets are crispy and you can even add spices. Don’t forget about the dipping sauces either!

2. Peach Barbecue Sauce

Barbecue sauce is delicious but we also add a lot of sugar to make it so. Cut down on processed sugar this summer with this peach barbecue sauce. You might be surprised at how sweet you can make your sauce with fresh peaches alone but if you really want to sweeten your sauce a little more, this recipe recommends a little maple syrup or honey as healthier alternatives. You won’t be compromising on any flavors with this recipe and your ribs will be a little healthier this year. Not to mention, this could be one of your sauces for your tofu nuggets!

3. Avocado Brownies

Who says that you can’t have desserts while you are on a diet? Try these delightful avocado brownies! They are so fudgy and tasty that you might not believe that there was no butter or processed sugar in this recipe. These brownies get their creaminess from the avocado and their sweetness from natural sweeteners like honey and maple syrup. Now you enjoy your desserts guilt-free.

4. Watermelon Sherbet

Everyone else is chomping down on minty chocolate chip ice cream or a double scoop chocolate sundae and you might feel left out when you miss out on the frosty dessert. Don’t worry, you can have this frozen treat that won’t leave you bloated or lethargic later. This quick and easy watermelon sherbet is light and refreshing, which is exactly what you need on a hot summer day. And you won’t get a horrible sugar crash later in the day either. Win-win!

5. Fruit Salad

Why would you only eat a vegetable salad in the summer when there are so many fresh fruits in season? Indulge in these natural sweet treats by having a fruit salad. It may seem strange that your lunch isn’t savory and carb-filled but you will like how light it is on the stomach. This fruit salad will not only fill you up with delicious and healthy nutrients but it also looks great! This is the perfect dish for your next summer potluck. Your friends will be so jealous about how pretty your dish looks and you can laugh about how easy it was to make.

6. Asparagus, Mint, Pea, and Pesto Toast

Avocado toast is still amazing but you might want some variety in your diet. Because as good as avocado toast is, the same ol’ plain avocado on toast can get old after a while. Get your daily dose of green toppings on bread with this asparagus, mint, pea, and pesto toast. This dish is all about variety with veggies and herbs. And if you are not a fan of asparagus, this recipe might convince you that asparagus ribbons is the way to go.

7. Greek Yogurt Mac n Cheese

Good ol’ mac and cheese. You might be missing those carb-heavy meals right about now and this recipe is exactly what you need to get your dairy and carb fix. Just because you want to indulge and treat yourself, doesn’t mean you have to completely break your healthy streak and feel guilty about it later. This recipe takes one of your favorite, classic dishes and gives you a new and improved dish to try. You will love how creamy this dish is and it might even become your new go-to recipe for mac and cheese.

See Also

8. Lemon Pineapple Kiwi Mocktail

Multiple cocktails by the pool or beach are normal during the summer months. You just want to have a cool drink while you are out in the hot sun and you want to have a little more fun because it’s summer and you only live once. But those alcoholic drinks could cost you when you watch that ab definition you carved out with months and months of steady diet and exercise, just disappear. Poof! The bloating and puffiness isn’t worth it but it doesn’t mean you cannot join in on the drinking. Drink this lemon pineapple kiwi mocktail and you can enjoy all the tastiness of drinking with the nasty hangover your friends are sure going to have in the morning. You might be the DD for the rest of summer but at least you can remind your friends of all their drunken silliness when they sober up.

9. Garlic Grilled Salmon in Foil

Give yourself some meal choices this summer with this garlic, grilled salmon. Just like all your other barbecue staples, you can prep this salmon before your annual barbecue and just toss it on the grill when you’re ready to have a delicious, hearty meal. This is a great recipe for you to incorporate some Omega-3 and healthy fats into your diet if you have been lacking.

10. Grilled Veggie Skewers

Kebabs are such a barbecue staple and you can add some veggies into the menu. Even if everyone else isn’t doing your healthy diet with you, they will appreciate having something light and tasty as an appetizer or as a break between all the heavy meat. This recipe may seem awfully simple but don’t underestimate how yummy some grilled veggies can be!

Which of these healthy summer recipes are you most excited to try first? Tell us in the comments below.

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Joann Kong

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