10 Healthy Snacks Perfect For Festival Season

Festival season has arrived, a.k.a. the best season of the year (besides Fall Fashion Week of course!). We all had major FOMO both weekends of Coachella. Not only were the bands that performed amazing but, per usual, Coachella offered some amazing foods!! We cannot all be Kendall Jenner, and we all surely don’t have the budget for the VIP tickets that give us access to that food. Even if you have spent all your savings on those LaLa Palooza, Outside Lands, or MoPOP tickets you still need to eat! Keep reading for 10 healthy snacks necessary for any music festival weekend!
1. Assorted veggies or fruits
Okay, so I get it, not everyone loves veggies as much as I do, but you can’t deny that carrots always satisfy! Carrot sticks are very easily portable because they don’t take up a bunch of room and you can pretty much bring a whole bag and have enough for the weekend. Or, if you are like me, have enough for at least one day! You can also bring some chopped up celery, snap peas, radishes, pretty much whatever you are wanting!
2. Hummus
This is such a great snack. Not only can you pair it with the carrots (mentioned above) but you can also slap some on a sandwich, eat a spoonful for some good protein, or eat with some crackers. Hummus is great because it doesn’t technically have to be refrigerated, so if you have other priorities for your cooler it won’t take up a lot of room. Also, hummus has protein and pleases everyone from vegans to meat-eaters!
3. Apples
Apples are great because they’re super refreshing and fill you up quite a bit! These, a lot like the hummus and carrots, don’t have to be cold to enjoy. You can pop about six or so into your backpack for the weekend and you are set! They are versatile, so you can have one for breakfast, as a snack, or even as part of your dinner.
4. Almond Butter/Peanut Butter Packets
Justin’s nut-butters are heavenly, and they are so portable! Literally, they take up no room. At all. There are many different flavors you can choose from, and you can get peanut butter or almond butter packets depending on your tastes. Pair this with the apples mentioned above, or with some crackers for a nice snack.
5. Crackers
I feel at this point I’ve mentioned them so much that I can’t not include them. Get a variety of crackers to keep things interesting, and to please everyone in your group. You can get both savory and plain ones, the savory to pair with hummus and the plain ones with peanut butter! I would recommend grabbing ones that are lower in sodium because between the heat and lack of water (or consumption of alcohol) you will be slightly dehydrated and the salt will make it worse.
6. Protein Bars
These are a given. Anytime I travel, go to class, go to the mall, or pretty much anything, I have one handy. They’re super easy to pack and it never hurts to have more protein in your diet! I would recommend getting ones that are not coated in chocolate, because that will melt and be a mess! Quest bars, Clif bars, RX bars, and Go Macro bars are some of my favorite non-coated bars. These bars mentioned above are also gluten free and Go Macro bars are vegan! They’re all super yummy and a great alternative if you can’t find something for lunch, or need an afternoon pick-me-up.
7. Nuts
They’re portable, yummy, and a good source of protein. Plus, if you are in between two shows and you have no time at all to grab food, you can grab a handful and put them in your back pocket. No packaging required. SO easy! My favorites to have on hand are almonds and cashews. Pistachios and shelled Peanuts require some extra clean-up so I don’t recommend those as much.
8. Jerky
Now that they have so many different types of jerky, you can get a variety that will satisfy everyone! Maybe you could even get some vegan jerky! My favorite type of jerky is by the brand EPIC. The brand makes jerky bars therefore they are really portable and already portioned out so it is very easy to grab and go! My favorite flavor is the Sriracha Chicken bar. You can find it at Trader Joes, Whole Foods, and even some normal grocery stores.
9. Popcorn
Air popped always! Popcorn is a staple in my diet, despite the fact that I think I am allergic to corn.. But it’s not worth it to give it up! Popcorn is nice because a little goes a long way in terms of filling you up, and you can buy it in large bags. It definitely is not the most compact snack, but if you leave it back at the camp you’re fine! Some of my favorite popcorn brands are Smartfood, Skinny Pop, Boom Chicka Pop, and Trader Joe’s brand. These brands all offer a large variety of flavors and sizes. The only thing would be to watch the salt because you don’t wanna be dehydrated!
10. Cereal
I feel like this list has gotten less healthy as it goes on… But ya know what? Treat yo self, it’s festival season and everything in moderation, right? Anyways. Cereal. The other love of my life. It ALWAYS sounds good, and everyone likes cereal. This is the perfect thing to have as a midnight snack after your favorite band plays to cap off the night! My favorite cereal is by far Cheerios or Kix, but if you are not a child like me you can get whatever you want! Super easy to snack
Do you have any other yummy, healthy snacks that are good for festival season!? Share in the comments below!
This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own!
Featured Image: weheartit
Delaney Huesgen is a Class of 2020 Fashion Merchandising student at Kent State Univeristy. Originally from Seattle, Washington, she is looking forward to her new adventure in Ohio. She hopes to move to New York and work at a magazine in an editorial position to continue her love of both writing and fashion.