Healthy Snack Swap Outs When You’re Trying To Eat Better

Healthy snacks aren’t all veggies and tofu, when you’re trying to eat better. There are so many ways you can make snack swap outs that actually taste good! Trust us, we were skeptical too, but don’t knock it until you try it. Whether you want chips and dips or late night munchies, these are some healthy snack swap outs.
1. Wheat Over White
When in doubt, always choose wheat items over white items! White items are notorious for being higher in carbs, which in turn becomes sugars in the body. These sugars can raise your chances of getting diabetes and increase weight gain. This is the opposite of what you want to gain when you are trying to eat better! So whenever you can, pick wheat over white. At the grocery store, try buying honey wheat bread for sandwiches. You can even purchase whole wheat pasta, so you’ll still get your carb fix, but only the healthy carbs!
2. Cauliflower Crust Pizza
Nothing has experienced a “glow up” quite like cauliflower has in the last couple years! It’s the go to super food that can make any food dish into a healthy snack. Even better, pizza companies are jumping on the bandwagon and offering cauliflower crust these days. Many restaurants offer this option as a healthy alternative, plus it’s also gluten free! So you can have your pizza and eat it too. Most times it comes as a thin crust pizza and you can hardly taste the difference from regular crust.
3. Sweet Potato Everything
Twice baked, fries or tater tots? Which is your favorite way to eat sweet potatoes? Yes, that’s right, SWEET potatoes. Again, it’s the idea of white starch items converting to excess sugars in the body! By substituting sweet potatoes for white potatoes, you’re making a healthy snack swap. Even the frozen versions of sweet potato items, are healthy for you! This way you can still get your fill of potatoes without having to feel guilty.
4. Black Bean Chips And Dip
Before you reach for the salty, crunchy chips to go with your favorite dip, consider this healthy snack swap out. Try black bean chips instead! Unlike traditional chips, they contain higher amounts of fiber, causing you to feel fuller faster. So, you’re less likely to eat an entire bag of chips in one sitting (we’ve all been there). Simply add in your favorite dip, like chippy dip or guacamole and you have a much healthier chip and dip combination.
5. Ice Cream Sandwiches Instead Of Ice Cream Sundaes
It’s all about portion control, people! You can eat anything in moderation. Unfortunately, our eyes are normally bigger than our stomachs and it can be hard to control. So, when you need a midnight ice cream snack, grab an ice cream sandwich! They satisfy your sweet tooth while also keeping portion size in mind. If you look hard enough in the grocery store, you can also find some that are made with almond and coconut milk, instead of dairy. This is an even better snack swap out!
6. Swap Flour Wraps For Spinach Wraps
As someone who doesn’t like vegetables, I was hesitant about this healthy snack swap out. Let me tell you, I have been converted! With spinach right in the title, you might not be as ready to try this option as you are others. Good news, there’s no actual spinach pieces in the wrap itself. They are also lower in the amount of carbs and calories than in flour wraps. Plus, most times you can’t even detect the taste of spinach. Even if you’re not ready to eat an all veggie sandwich, at least the wrap is on the healthier side!
7. Dark Chocolate Instead Of Milk Chocolate
Okay, hear us out with this one! Dark chocolate might have a rep of being bitter, but it’s actually the healthier chocolate option. When it comes to milk versus dark chocolate, come to the dark side. Dark chocolate is full of antioxidants and can even lower your chance of heart disease! Since it does have a stronger taste, one or two squares is all you really need a day. It doesn’t sound like a terrible way to try to be a little bit healthier.
8. Egg Whites Over Scrambled Eggs
What came first, the chicken or the egg? Either way, eggs are a great breakfast choice. They’re pretty healthy in their own right. However, if you want to make a healthy snack swap, try egg whites! They are low in cholesterol, fat and calories, so they can help you lose weight. Next time, you’re at a restaurant, see if they will substitute them for you (there might be a slight charge). Order your favorite omelette, just ask for it to be made with egg whites. It’s a great compromise when you are trying to eat better.
9. Sparkling Water Instead Of Sugary Pop
Did you know that the average person drinks about 45 gallons of pop a year? That’s over 470 cans of pop a year! Not to mention, 20 pounds of sugar! That’s either amazing or horrifying depending on how you look at it. The best and healthiest thing you can actually drink, is water. If you’re not really sold on this idea, compromise with this healthy snack swap. Grab a sparkling water! The carbonation is similar to pop and many brands have flavored options as well. It’s a give and take relationship when it comes to eating (and drinking) better.
10. Choose Popcorn Over Chips
Eating a whole bag of chips at once, taste great at first, but then regret sets in. Suddenly, your sitting on the couch covered in crumbs thinking about what you just did. Next time, you need a binge snack, grab a bag of popcorn instead. Most popcorns are whole grain, meaning they are high in fiber and low in calories. You can purchase your favorite flavors in a store or make them at home! Add in some seasons, butter, etc. That’s all it takes to make popcorn a great tasting, healthy snack.
11. Avocado Butter Is Better Than Butter
We bet you never tried an avocado this way before! Plant based butters are becoming more popular than ever and that’s because they are so low in trans-fats. That’s the stuff that clogs arteries (think high cholesterol) and is found in regular butter. With avocado butter, you can use as much as you want without having to worry. It’s also filled with vitamins and minerals; so feel free to cook and bake with avocado butter anytime, anywhere.
12. Wine Instead Of Beer
Wine isn’t just for special occasions anymore, ladies and gents. Turns out, wine is actually a better option to drink than beer. In our opinion it taste better, too! Wine, especially red wine, can actually help prevent heart disease. It also has way less calories than most beers, making it a healthier snack swap. Next time you’re out with friends, consider ordering a glass of wine and then cheers to making an effort to eat and drink healthier!
Which healthy snack swap out is your favorite? Which one surprised you the most? Comment and share with us below!
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Hi my name is Kristen and I am 26 years old. I went to Central Michigan University (Fire Up Chips!). I majored in Integrative Public Relations with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. After graduation, I worked for Macy's in a variety of positions. I love shopping until I drop and consider it my cardio! I've been lucky enough to travel quite a bit and hope to do more so in the future. I am an energetic, sassy and fun loving person who loves her family (dog), friends and donuts!