Healthy Relationship Habits You Need To Know

When it comes to a healthy relationship, it’s important to practice habits that will allow you and your partner to thrive together. It can be easy to lose sight of one another as you fall into a routine. Working together rather than against each other is perhaps the most important part of love – and these healthy relationship habits will help you do that.
Although the phrase may be slightly overused, “communication is key” truly does apply to every relationship. When something is bothering you, open up to your partner about it. Keeping the problem inside will cause resentment to build up which will ultimately put a damper on your relationship. Additionally, be open with your partner about what you need! Sometimes, it’s okay to request space and privacy – and if you’re with someone who truly loves and respects you, they’ll listen to your needs. Being open and honest will encourage your partner to open up to you as well!
If you are in a long-term relationship, accepting your partner for who they are is a necessity. We all have this idea of our ideal soulmate in our heads when we’re young. However, it’s important to recognize that your partner will never be able to fully live up to those standards. Neither you nor your partner are perfect; you’ll both make mistakes, and you’ll both stumble over your words sometimes. It’s important to remember that you are making a choice by being with your partner. Love is a feeling you may have for them, but putting in the effort to actually understand them and accept them for who they are is another story. If you can’t accept them, perhaps they are not the one for you.
Relationships are never black and white. You and your partner will never be able to wholeheartedly agree on everything, which is why compromise is an important part of every relationship. Being able to see your partner’s perspective, recognize this, and come up with a solution that will satisfy both of you is a great relationship habit to practice. Rather than thinking of your conflicts as fights, think of them as disagreements – because that’s exactly what they are! Coming up with a plan that you both agree with will allow you to feel more connected and understood.
While being in love with someone is fun, it’s important to remember that you are still your own person. In a healthy relationship, you should be able to go out with friends, focus on your hobbies, and continue your own journey without them at times. If you aren’t able to do everyday things without your partner, you may find yourself becoming codependent. Make space for your own interests; at the end of the day, your partner won’t always share the same passions! Your partner likely fell in love with you because of all the quirks and qualities that make you who you are. Don’t lose all those attributes that make you unique while being in a relationship.
Maintaining your independence while being in a relationship is great, but on the flip side, intimacy is important, too. Intimacy can be defined in many ways, but at the end of the day, it’s all about what you and your partner need to feel loved! Generally speaking, there are five love languages: words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service, and receiving gifts. It may be helpful for you and your partner to take the quiz online so you can figure out what the other person needs. Your idea of intimacy may be different from your partner’s, and that is entirely okay! As long as you are able to understand what the other person needs, this relationship habit will be beneficial for both of you.
Boundaries play into the communication role. Boundaries are a healthy way for you to assert yourself when it comes to your relationship. By asserting these boundaries, your partner will know what is and isn’t okay, clearing up any future miscommunications. Furthermore, if you express a boundary to your partner and they repeatedly cross that line, you’ll be able to recognize that they aren’t really respecting you or treating you the way you need them to. Not only are boundaries healthy for your relationship, but they’re healthy for you, too! If you’re with the right person, they will listen to what you need, and vice versa.
In life, you’re going to face a number of challenges. Whether it comes to your family, career, or dreams, you and your partner should always support one another. Support can manifest in many different forms. This could mean providing them with a shoulder to cry on or encouraging them to go after what they want. Regardless, if you are with the person you’d like to spend the rest of your life with, you don’t want that person to constantly put you down or disappear when life gets hard. Both you and your partner should always want the best for one another.
When it comes to your partner, you’re probably the one person who understands them better than anyone else in this world. That being said, you don’t want to go around telling everybody about your partner’s personal world. Your partner may have confessed things to you that they’ve never shared with another soul, and you may have done the same. Just as you wouldn’t want your partner to share your vulnerabilities with others, be sure to keep their life personal as well. This also goes for the relationship as a whole! Being vulnerable with one another requires you to open up in ways that you wouldn’t with others. Be sure to keep some things under wraps, as this is a respectful habit on both ends.
Everybody talks about how relationships start with a spark, and eventually lose the spark. The secret to a long-lasting relationship is your ability to continue the spark! While life may get in the way and you and your partner might start to settle into a routine, it’s important to keep your relationship spontaneous. Travel together, go on crazy dates, and try something new! You should also try to remind your partner how much they mean to you by buying them flowers, writing heartfelt letters, and showing them that you’ve been thinking about them. Continuing with spontaneous habits will reassure both you and your partner that your relationship is valuable and that what you have together is special.
What are some healthy relationship habits we may have left out on this list? Let us know!
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Sarah is a recent Virginia Tech graduate with a Bachelors in Creative Writing and Psychology.