9 Healthy Packaged Snacks You Will Love

Eating healthy doesn’t necessarily mean eating raw veggies and fruit all day long. Spice up your diet by adding in some healthy packaged snacks to take on the go. Let’s get started!
1. Protein Bars
Protein bars are perfect for eating healthy on the go, or for a speedy breakfast when you are running late. There are so many healthy options to choose from, like RX bars, Perfect Bars, etc. I like to keep one of these in my gym bag or backpack in case I’m running low on energy. Never go hungry again!
2. Dried Fruit
Dried fruit is a great option for when you want a quick and easy snack between meals. This one is great if you are worried about your fruit getting warm or need something that doesn’t need refrigeration. There’s dried mangoes, apricots, strawberries, blueberries and bananas. Make sure you get the kind with no sugar added. Yum!
3. Nuts Or Nut Butters
Nuts or nut butters make a perfect fueling snack for when you just need a quick pick-me-up between classes or on your break. You can find mini nut butter packets at the store or 100 calorie packs of nuts so you don’t go overboard. Nuts keep you full and satisfied until your next meal.
4. Pretzels or Popcorn
Pretzels or lightly salted popcorn are both great snack ideas for when you want a salt snack, but still want to eat healthy. A great packaged popcorn brand is Skinny Pop, and you can find it at most grocery stores. Dip pretzels in hummus or guacamole for some extra flavor. Yum!
5. Guacamole
Guacamole is great for dipping basically anything in and the 100-calorie packs are perfect for busy people who are always on the go. Dip whole grain tortilla chips, pretzels, veggies, etc. Guac is full of healthy fats to keep you full and give you energy. Plus, it’s delicious and nutritious!
6. Hummus
Hummus is great for dipping veggies in or whole grain pita bread. Hummus is made of chickpeas so it’s packed with tons of fiber and health fats. You can also spread hummus on toast or sandwiches. My favorite packaged brand is the Sabra hummus. So good!
7. Snap Pea Crisps
Snap pea crisps are a great crunchy snack to munch on between meals and keep you full longer. Toss some of these in a plastic baggy and throw ’em in your lunch bag or backpack for when you get hungry. This delicious salty snack is made for those times where you can’t wait until dinner. Being hangry is definitely not a cute look.
8. Sweet Potato Crackers/Chips
Sweet potato crackers are a perfect snack for when you want a combo of salty and sweet. Munch on these while watching your fav Netflix show or when you just need something to snack on. These are a healthy alternative to regular potato chips, and will leave you satisfied and energized. They’re addicting, but it’s fine because they’re good for you!
9. Healthy Packaged Snacks: Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is probably my favorite healthy late night snack. This is a perfect alternative to regular milk chocolate, because if you get chocolate with a high percentage of cacao, it’s packed with nutrients and antioxidants. Plus, who doesn’t love a nice, rich bar of chocolate after a long day? I know I do!