7 Healthy Habits To Start In College

Don’t we all want to be healthy? Really, no matter how much we love the thought of cake and chillin’ in sweat pants all day, there’s a little part of everyone that wants to reach their full health-potential. I’d say there’s more than a coincidence that some of the most successful, happy people are proud health nuts. But how do we get there when there is *literally* an endless list of other priorities that take up so much time? By creating healthy habits and practicing them everyday until they feel like second nature–that’s how! That way, amidst the craziness that is college and post-college life, you’ll already have health (and happiness!) in your back pocket. Easier said than done, I know, but what’s the saying? It takes 21 days to make something a habit? What are you waiting for?! Here’s the 7 essential healthy habits to start in college!
1. Eating Dinner at Least a Few Hours Before Bed (on week days at least!)
Your body is supposed to run like a well-oiled machine. But a machine can’t run optimally without any downtime. Eating a meal too close to bed is like telling your body to work over-time for free. It will be focused on digesting instead of resting and restoring itself for the next day. Beat that heavy, groggy feeling in the morning by capping meals off at least a couple hours before bedtime!
2. Wake up Early, Consistently
Call it a coincidence if you want, but there seems to be a positive correlation between getting up early and success. The Apple president Tim Cook, the Starbucks CEO, and seemingly every highly successful leader rises with the sun! Why, because it gives them time to get in a workout, read emails, do work, or simply gather their thoughts and goals for the day ahead. There’s a priceless feeling of momentum created after getting in a workout, eating a healthy breakfast and making a daily goal list all before my first class. Become a morning person and feel and stay ahead of the game
3. Carrying Water Everywhere You Go
We all know that water is good for us–but do we know just how good? Try a clear-er complexion, more energy, a healthier weight, less cravings for junk-y food…the list goes on just short of forever! Investing in a cute, reusable water bottle that you will actually want to carry around will make you that much more likely to get in your recommended 8 glasses a day. My personal tip: fill up your bottle at night before going to bed so its ready to go and easy to grab on your way out the door in the morning!
4. Committing to a Workout Schedule
Working out produces endorphins. Endorphins equate to feelings of elation and mental clarity. What college student doesn’t crave more of that?! Setting aside just 30 minutes a day or run, jog, lift, heck!–even walk on the treadmill will not only be amazing for your body, but for your mind. My favorite part of the day is the feeling after my workout when I feel, 1) accomplished AF 2) fit and healthy 3) clear and focused. One of the best healthy habits to start in college.
5. Over-coming FOMO
Technology is great, but over-connectivity breeds FOMO-fear of missing out! Because of technology, a wonderfully cozy night in on a Friday night after a long week with a couple close friends goes from “exactly what you needed” to a FOMO attack after scrolling through Snapchat. And now you feel crapy, unhappy, and full of self-doubt. Instead, go with your gut, own your actions with confidence and do what you need to do to feel your best. Living through other people earns you zero points on the healthy and happy scale.
6. Making a Daily Priority List
This may sound a little tedious but in reality, it only takes a few minutes. Jotting down a little list of priorities and goals for the day will guide your actions and thoughts from that moment on. Before I started doing it, I would easily get overwhelmed at the sheer thought of all the things I had to get done, but the simple act of writing it down makes it all the more doable. WARNING: crossing things off your list may become an addiction and you may find yourself more productive than you ever imagined possible.
7. Practicing Grateful-ness Everyday
This may just be the healthiest habit of them all–a healthy, happy mind sets the stage for healthy actions and a healthy life! The happiest people I know acknowledge all the things going right in their life, rather than focusing on the things that aren’t. Starting my day with a few minutes of gratefulness for all that I have, puts things in perspective and only further motivates me to find new things to be grateful for.
Featured photo source: pinterest.com
Noelle is a SoCal girl, born and raised, currently attending the University of Southern California, majoring in Psychology with a minor in Nutrition and Health Promotion. When she's not writing, she's gym-ing, and when she's not gym-ing, she's Insta-blogging---A self-proclaimed health nut and coffee connoisseur, she's always seeking a new way to promote a positive, balanced lifestyle.