Health & Fitness

Looking for cheap delivery food? These cheap food delivery services are epic: Hello Fresh, Blue Apron, Grubhub and Seamless are some of the popular ones!
Next-Level Cheap Delivery Food Services

In this day and age, it’s pretty safe to say we’d prefer to sit on…

It seems like there are fats and sugars in just about everything. If you are trying to lose weight, keep reading to learn about these 10 foods to avoid.
10 Foods To Avoid If You’re Trying To Lose Weight

Nowadays, it seems like there are hidden fats and sugars in just about every food…

If you're getting acne out of nowhere, you might not know where it's coming from. Check out these 10 foods that cause acne that will surprise you.
10 Foods That Cause Acne That Will Completely Surprise You

If you’re experiencing an acne flare up out of nowhere, you might be wondering where…

Fitness products can be so expensive when you buy them from sporting stores. But, Amazon has tons that are affordable. Here are 15 fitness products to buy!
15 Best Fitness Products You Can Buy On Amazon

Going back to school means you want to look your best. But, we all know…

Looking for cheap almond butter. Here are the top 5 best cheap almond butters to invest in. Wild Friends Almond Butter and Barney Butter is to die for!
5 Tasty And Cheap Almond Butter Brands You Need To Try

Like all things in life, trends come and go; even in the food industry. There’s…

Here's your list of simple bar drinks under 100 calories. Drinking under 100 calories can be tough so I've got the list ready to go for your next night out.
10 Simple Bar Drinks Under 100 Calories

Alright, if you are going to the bar and are looking to get a drink…

Missing a year of high school can be a hard adjustment. Here are some pointers to help you if you are going to be missing a year of high school.
10 Things I Learned From Missing A Year Of High School

When most people are asked about their days as a high school student, they either…

Eating healthy in college can be a challenge. There are always unhealthy college foods at your finger tips. Here are some tips to eat healthier foods in uni
10 Ways To Eat Healthier While Living In A Dorm

Dorm living contributes to the “freshman fifteen” like no other. Between the late-night pizza temptations,…

Suicide is already an intimate topic. The media's portrayals of suicide have romanticized the discourse of suicide to a drastic point. Here's how
10 Reasons Why Suicide Is Romanticized In The Media

Death is a tricky subject. We often don’t know what to do with the fact…

Healthy habits are crucial for good health: healthy eating habits, fitness and taking care of mental health. Here are the top tips healthy habits for health
20 Tips For Maintaining Healthy Habits

#GOALS! We’ve all been there, scrolling through Instagram, where we discover pages of people with…