Health & Fitness

Here are some of the best youtube workout channels that you can watch in the comfort of your own home, and on your own time! Start sweating!
We Found The Best YouTube Workout Channels For You

Here are some of the best Youtube workout channels. Easily accessible, you can watch these…

Turmeric Is This Year’s Biggest Health Trend. Here’s Why

As Heidi Klum says on Project Runway, in fashion one day you’re in and the…

Pimples, blackheads and whiteheads are super pesky, especially when you feel like every product you try isn't working. Sometimes buying drugstore acne washes is the most affordable, but in order for your acne product to work you need to figure out the root cause of your acne.
Here’s Why Your Drugstore Acne Washes Aren’t Working

If you struggle with acne like most of us do and have tried seemingly everything…

In a fast-paced society it's hard to be healthy and productive all at once. Unfortunately, poor health can cause sluggishness, weight gain and irritability- all of which make your life harder. Here are some ways to maintain your health in spite of your schedule.
5 Ways To Maintain Your Health When You’re Always On The Go

We’re always moving fast, but it feels like the world around us is moving faster.…

Eliminating sugar from your diet can be so hard since it's basically in everything. If you've been wondering how to do a sugar cleanse, here are some tips for the sugar detox your body has been craving!
Here’s How To Do A Sugar Cleanse, The Right Way

From time to time it can be nice to cleanse your body from “toxic” things…

With summer now right around the corner, you're probably getting your beach bod ready. What you may not be doing is making sure your skin health is a top priority. Follow these 10 summer skincare tips for a fun and worry-free summer!
The 10 Summer Skincare Tips You Should Live By

It’s easy to get carried away soaking up the sun after a long, cold winter.…

We let our anger get the best of us. We lash out at people we don’t mean to and/or break shit while we are in our anger, later regretting we did. I know I for one, have a terribly bad habit of letting my anger control me more times than I control it. There are some ways to manage anger though.
10 Ways To Manage Anger And Stay Calm

Most, if not all of us, have had our fair share of moments where we…

While there isn't any magical pill, come on science, to cure a hangover, there are some tricks and tips to easing the pain and not spend the day in a dark bedroom with a left over pizza box. Here are some tips on how to get rid of a hangover.
How NOT To Lose An Entire Day From Your Hangover

Let’s talk hangovers. And let’s not call them anything else, like “feeling under the weather”,…

In order for the industry to be so successful, it needs to have a nearly unlimited supply. Of course, everything is limited, but palm trees are so abundant that it’s pretty close to unlimited. Here's why using palm oil in your hair routine is killing the environment.
Here’s Why Your Hair Routine Is Killing The Environment

Palm oil. Maybe you’ve heard of it? Palm oil is widely used in a variety…

Take a look at the best face wash for acne prone skin! We have collected many different options for skincare that actually work!
We Found The Best Face Wash For Acne Prone Skin

You’ve seen all the colorful, pretty, fluffed up commercials. The ones with the “cool” teens…