Health & Fitness

If you love bread but hate how unhealthy it can be, check out this list of different kinds of low carb gluten free bread that taste delicious!
We Ranked The Best Low Carb Gluten Free Bread

So many people it seems are trying to diet nowadays. One of the most popular…

5 Things To Consider About Going Carb-Free
5 Things To Consider About Going Carb-Free

Going carb-free, or even low-carb, is a big step and is something that should not…

With superfoods in your diet, you'll be a step closer to giving your body the best nutrients available and making it as healthy as possible!
Top 5 Superfoods You Need To Add To Your Diet ASAP

In recent years, there have been more natural food options popping up all over the place,…

When you'd rather eat a whole pizza than go for a run, Society19 has the best tips to get you motivated and beat the pain of running!
10 Ways To Make Runs On Grounds Less Painful

There’s no denying that running sucks. This widely accepted fact becomes even more true in…

Yoga: A College Guide To Stress-Free Living
Yoga: A College Guide To Stress-Free Living

I can say for certainty that everyone reading this article right now probably attempted yoga…

What SZA’s Sickness Means For Her Music

It is a time of mourning in the R&B world as the dearly beloved SZA…

Rather than picking up some french fries or an ice cream cone for a snack, try one of these healthier options from Society19 that are just as delicious!
7 Yummy (And Healthy) Snacks To Make This Summer

If you’re looking for a yummy snack to munch on by the pool, or an…

The Essentials To Essential Oils
The Essentials To Essential Oils

With the new craze in the world being the turn towards “organic” and “all-natural,” I…

How To Safely And Successfully Detox Your Body
How To Safely And Successfully Detox Your Body

The word “detox”, according to the Medical Dictionary, means “a short-term health regime involving procedures…

Eating right can take a lot more effort than eating wrong. So turn your wrong choices right with these super simple food swaps for weight loss!
10 Easy And Healthy Food Swaps For Weight Loss

There is a definite stigma around healthy foods based on the fact that they are…