Health & Fitness

Take a look at these best beauty secrets that will have you running to the grocery store right away to start using these beauty regimens!
The Best Beauty Secrets That Actually Come From A Grocery Store

There are often whispers of the best kept beauty secrets passed down through families and…

Fuel yourself for the rest of the day with some hearty, healthy breakfasts! Read this article for cheap and easy recipes to make!
5 Healthy Breakfasts On A Budget

We all know the saying already – breakfast is the most important meal of the…

The discussion around mental health continues to grow as it is so important to take care of yourself. Read this article for mental health tips!
10 Mental Health Tips To Live By Thanks To Kate Spade’s Donation To Mental Health Organizations

The loss of legendary designer Kate Spade was felt by far more than just those…

Want to splurge on some new beauty products? Read this article to find some incredible things all from the same company - LUSH products!
10 LUSH Products Worth Breaking The Bank For

LUSH is a company that sells fresh, handmade cosmetics that are not only great for…

Although fitness classes might seem better than your gym routine, mistakes can be made. So, learn from them and enjoy that great workout session!  
Top Mistakes To Avoid During Your Fitness Classes

I am a HUGE advocate for everyone trying fitness classes!  I actually prefer going to…

Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization that provides a long list of services to everyone. Here are 10 benefits of Planned Parenthood!
10 Benefits Of Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood is a nonprofit organization that nationally and globally provides health care, specializing in…

Looking to improve your health? Check out this article to learn how to slowly become vegan and lead a healthy, plant based lifestyle.
10 Steps To Leading A More Plant Based Lifestyle

Going vegan is extremely hard for those who do it cold turkey. We’ve grown up…

What's the deal with the activated charcoal fad? We've got all the details on the health and beauty benefits of this trending product.
Activated Charcoal: Is It Safe And Healthy?

It doesn’t take long for the tiniest things to become the biggest and most current…

Putting your phone next to you before you sleep can just be habit. But at what expense? Let's discuss the detrimental effects of your phone.
Putting Your Phone Next To You While You Sleep Could Actually Have Detrimental Effects To Your Health

You’ve just finished checking all your social media platforms one last time. Rolling over, and…