Health & Fitness

10 Reasons I Love Practicing Yoga

My yoga practice is something I have come to cherish in the six years since…

10 Ways To Practice Mindfulness When You’re At Your Least Zen

One of the really easy ways to practice mindfulness is to do so when you…

10 Morning Routines By Successful Women You Look Up To

Women in general, are exponentially amazing, but they become even more amazing when a routine…

Ways To Cut Carbs While Not Missing Bread

Cutting carbs is no easy feat, but coming back to the real world after gaining…

10 Substitutes For Coffee For The Morning Energy You Need

Coffee is a household staple when it comes to starting your day, but it can…

10 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Mental Health

In recent years mental health has become less and less of a taboo subject. Instead…

8 of the Best Sports and Why you Should Try Them

Have you been thinking about trying a new sport? Dont have time for a huge…

5 Workout Machines you Should Have in Your Home Gym

Has a pandemic occurred and your gym has now been shut down? Do you not…

The Best Resistance Band Workouts You Haven’t Tried Yet

I’m an avid runner, not because I enjoy running per say, but because I live…

The Best Ab Workouts That Will Build Your Core Strength

Just because college campuses are closed due to COVID doesn’t mean you are immuned from…