Health & Fitness

Here are some self care tips that will come in handy on your most difficult days. These tips will have you feeling lke your better self in no time.
The Self Care Tips That You Need For Difficult Days

“Self care” is one of those vast umbrella terms that encompasses so many different things,…

Eating healthy can be a really difficult task, but it doesn't need to be! Here are all the tips you need to know in order to live a healthier life!
My Guide To Eating Healthy

Eating healthy can be hard. When I first moved away for college, I was that…

Using a mooncup totally changed my life. Here's how this menstrual care product helped me deal with my period and why you should try it, too.
Why Using A Mooncup Changed My Life

Welcome to the revolution of menstrual care. The mooncup. Until I tried using a mooncup, no…

Mental health is a subject that can often be hard to approach. But I did what I had to do to improve it for myself. Here's how.
6 Changes I Made To Improve My Mental Health

Until a month or so ago, I was going through a rough patch. Nothing made…

It's always important to have a lazy day. Here's why you should devote a day a week to strict relaxation and no work of any kind!
Why You Should Allocate A Lazy Day To Yourself Every Week

Ah, the lazy day. It’s the best day of your week, being able to roll…

Healing crystals have so many benefits to the mind and body. This is everything you need to know about the power of a crystal!
Everything There Is To Know About Healing Crystals And Their Meanings

Healing crystals have seemed to gain popularity over the years and have seemingly gained an…

Here's a list of McDonald's least healthy foods based on calories and calories only. Save yourself a hefty lunch with this informative list!
We Ranked McDonald’s Least Healthy Foods Based On Calorie Count

I don’t think anyone has ever been fooled to believe that McDonald’s is a “healthy”…

Kayla Itsines' Sweat App is a tool that I would suggest everyone installs. This health and fitness app will change your life!
I Tried Kayla Itsines’ Sweat App For The First Time And This Is Why I LOVE It

I was that basic girl last year that decided that my New Year’s resolution was…

Having a bit of a tummy can feel like a struggle at times for some girls. However, it's not as bad as you may think. Here's why you should embrace it!
An Open Letter To The Girls Who Have A Bit Of A Tummy

I, by no means, have a lot of a tummy. I have a bit of…

Living with anxiety is a struggle for most. It's a crippling mental illness that not everyone understands. Here's what life is like for people with anxiety.
What It’s Like Living With Anxiety

I wanted to begin by saying that anxiety is something many people suffer from and…