Health & Fitness

Having healthy snack ideas can be important if you're trying to eat better and improve your diet. Here are some of the best ideas for you!
20 Healthy Snack Ideas

Looking for healthy snack ideas to eat throughout the day? If yes, we’ve got just…

Deciding to sleep naked could actually end up improving your health. Here are some medically approved reasons why you should, too!
8 Medically Approved Reasons You Should Sleep Naked

Common knowledge says that an undisturbed sleep makes for a longer sleep, which in turn…

These YouTube workouts will be a great addition to your usual fitness routine. They'll keep you in shape and are totally easy to learn!
The 10 Best YouTube Workouts

In a world full of diets that promise to make you magically thin, sometimes we…

Trying to drink no caffeine for a week straight comes with some challenges, but you can experience some interesting results. Here's my experience.
I Drank No Caffeine For One Week And Here’s What Happened

I am in a committed relationship with caffeine. I don’t think I go one day…

Knowing how to cure a cold can be important knowledge to have as a college student. Here are our tips on how to get it out of your system.
Student Survival 101 – How To Cure A Cold In College

Autumn is here and with every day it’s getting a little colder and colder. Especially…

There are many common misconceptions people have veganism. However, these tips and tricks may help with the transition of going vegan!
10 Misconceptions I Had About Veganism Before Going Vegan

I’ve been vegan for just over three and a half years now and although I’m…

Going vegan can be a huge step for some, but it can be difficult as well. Here are some of the tips I think are the most important when going vegan.
15 Tips For Going Vegan

When I first decided to become vegan I was very skeptical. After a few months…

I meditated for 30 days and had some really amazing results. Here's what it was like for me once those 30 days of meditation were up!
I Meditated For 30 Days And This Is What Happened

Nothing helped my stress levels until I meditated. With pressing deadlines on homework, projects and…

I gave Sworkit a shot for a week and it's an app that is totally worth it. Here's a list of reasons why you need to try this fitness app!
I Tried Sworkit For A Week And This Is Why It’s Worth It

When we read over our new year’s resolution list, we can’t help but cringe at…

These ab exercises are perfect for anyone who doesn't have time to hit the gym! All of these ab workouts can be done from your home!
8 Best Ab Exercises You Can Do At Home

Sometimes it’s nice to just be able to bosh out a decent exercise/work out at…