Health & Fitness

We Found The Best YouTube Workout Channels For You

We Found The Best YouTube Workout Channels For You

Here are some of the best Youtube workout channels. Easily accessible, you can watch these videos at any time, and…

7 years ago

Turmeric Is This Year’s Biggest Health Trend. Here’s Why

As Heidi Klum says on Project Runway, in fashion one day you’re in and the next you’re out. Well, the…

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Here’s Why Your Drugstore Acne Washes Aren’t Working

If you struggle with acne like most of us do and have tried seemingly everything when it comes to drugstore…

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5 Ways To Maintain Your Health When You’re Always On The Go

We're always moving fast, but it feels like the world around us is moving faster. The solution to this problem…

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Here’s How To Do A Sugar Cleanse, The Right Way

From time to time it can be nice to cleanse your body from "toxic" things and reset. You've heard of…

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The 10 Summer Skincare Tips You Should Live By

It's easy to get carried away soaking up the sun after a long, cold winter. All you want to do…

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10 Ways To Manage Anger And Stay Calm

Most, if not all of us, have had our fair share of moments where we don’t know how to manage…

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How NOT To Lose An Entire Day From Your Hangover

Let's talk hangovers. And let's not call them anything else, like "feeling under the weather", or "feeling rough", or "just…

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Here’s Why Your Hair Routine Is Killing The Environment

Palm oil. Maybe you’ve heard of it? Palm oil is widely used in a variety of things: food, dish soap,…

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We Found The Best Face Wash For Acne Prone Skin

You've seen all the colorful, pretty, fluffed up commercials. The ones with the "cool" teens who are living a happy…

7 years ago