Contrary to popular opinion, you can eat healthy, affordable, vegan food as a student! Don’t be put off from "free…
Tossing and turning at night is one of the most irritating things when trying to go to sleep. Counting down…
A weight loss plateau can be a tough thing to overcome. You've been trying to lose some weight and things…
Easy ways to exercise are the best. Because, let's be honest - going to the gym can be both expensive…
Healthy alternatives to junk food can be hard to find. Ever find yourself craving a junk food snack, but know…
Face masks can be a total lifesaver when it comes to replenishing and moisturizing your skin! This especially holds true…
Aren't dogs the best? They love you 24/7. When you're eating, when you're sleeping, when you in the shower even…
If anyone knows anything about me, it’s that I hate diets. I think they’re one of the worst ideas someone…
Crock pots are an absolute bliss to cook with - they require minimal effort yet you can still prepare incredible…
Smoothie bowls are extremely versatile - they will make a great breakfast and an equally amazing snack or dessert that…