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10 Healing DIY Face Masks For Sensitive Skin

10 Healing DIY Face Masks For Sensitive Skin

A face mask is a great way to get some relaxing vibes going, but what happens when you’re pretty much allergic to everything in most name brand masks? You want your skin to feel rejuvenated but when you take off the mask it’s completely irritating. Not to worry, I’ve come up with ten simple all-natural healing DIY face masks for the sensitive skin gal. 

1. Oatmeal And Honey

This healing DIY face mask is my go-to for when I have used a product that angered my skin. I’ve only included two ingredients for each mask because too many ingredients can overwhelm the skin. Use ½ cup of oats. Make sure you blend the oats because that’s when the chemical breakdown is released. You can use just a little honey maybe two tablespoons to make it stick; otherwise, honey will be dripping off your face. You want a sticky clay consistency. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes

Oatmeal is perfect for allergic reactions and is commonly used to treat conditions like eczema and dermatitis. The oats are very nourishing, moisturizing, and alleviating to any upset skin. Honey is excellent for keeping your skin glowing and your PH levels optimal. Use this mask to restore irritated skin to diminish redness and create a natural glow. 


2. Baking Soda And Rose Water

Another great healing DIY face masks for cranky skin. Use ¼ cup of baking soda and about one tablespoon of rose water to create a thick paste. You want it more thick than thin because you want it to stay on for 10-15 minutes. 

Baking Soda has many valuable properties for sensitive skin. It removes dead skin cells, dark spots and is a natural exfoliant as well as reducing redness and irritation. Rosewater, although it smells good, it also has anti-inflammatory properties that diminish the appearance of blemishes or blotches caused by sensitivity. Rosewater also has antioxidant properties that create healthy, youthful skin and combat aging.

3. Avocados And Avocado Oil

There’s a reason that the classic avocado mask with cucumber eye patches is such a cliche when it comes to masks. Use half of a ripe avocado dice it and mash it in a bowl. Then pour one tablespoon of avocado oil into the mix, remix it, and leave it on your face for about 10-15 minutes.


Avocados are a great beauty tool when it comes to skincare. Avocados have scar and age correcting effects. This food helps the body create collagen, which betters skin elasticity and reduces wrinkles. Collagen also creates healthy hair, skin, and nails, as well as bone and joint support. That’s why you’ll want to include a heaping amount of avocados in your fridge for a face mask but also for eating as well. Who knew the best healing DIY face mask was in a cliche. 

4. Turmeric And Plain Yogurt

This healing DIY face mask is perfect for after a hangover. When your skin is dry, and you need a little extra nourishment. All you need is a ¼ cup of plain yogurt and one teaspoon of turmeric. Mix it in a bowl and apply it to your skin. Let it sink for 10-15 minutes.

Plain yogurt might sound a little weird to put on your face, but it will pay off. Plain yogurt has probiotic benefits and can nourish your gut, but it also can benefit your skin as well. Plain yogurt can serve as a moisturizer and correct a bad sunburn as well as reduce discoloration. Turmeric aids in the production of collagen, which can help heal wounds and scarring faster. Thus, these two ingredients combine to make the perfect healing DIY face mask. 


5. Aloe Vera and Matcha Green Tea Powder

You can use this healing DIY face masks for when you find your skin looking a little dull or when your mid breakout. It requires 1 cup of Aloe Vera and two tablespoons of Matcha powder combine in a bowl. Apply and leave it on your face for 10-15 minutes. 

Aloe Vera is mostly known as a sunburn treatment, but it has many more benefits beyond that. Aloe Vera contains a lot of vitamin A and vitamin C, which fights dark spots and can help brighten your skin. Aloe Vera also prevents the creation of fine lines and wrinkles. Matcha Green Tea Powder has antibacterial effects cleansing your skin as well as increasing skin elasticity. A healing DIY face masks with a plethora of benefits.

6. Fresh Ground Coffee And Agave

I use this healing DIY face mask when I have been breaking out more than usual or during the summer when the oil and sweat build up. Take about ½ cup of fresh, high-quality ground coffee beans and mix it in with organic agave. Apply to the skin and let it dry for 10-15 minutes. Coffee tends to be acidic, so for those of us with uber-sensitive skin, apply it to the back of your hands first to make sure there’s no reaction. Rinse off and find your skin healthier than ever. 


Coffee is not only delicious but also encourages new looking skin. As another natural exfoliant, it also serves as an acne treatment. It’s especially suitable for getting rid of cellulite and can be used not only on your face but also for your whole body. Agave has been a treatment used by Native Americans to heal skin conditions and wounds. It also proves to have age-defying properties. A healing DIY face masks made for healing all kinds of skin impurities. 

7. Egg White and Lemon Juice

If you’ve been stressing and you find your skin mirroring your emotions, this healing DIY face mask will reverse your stressed skin. Drop 1 or 1 and ½ egg whites in a bowl and put in just a dash of lemon juice in your container. Please be careful with lemon juice, as a fellow sensitive skin gal I recommend trying it on your hand before putting it on your face. Some people are okay with it, but some people aren’t, so just keep that in mind.

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Egg whites are usually not the first healing DIY face mask that comes to mind when discussing skincare, but it can help with skin elasticity and diminish pores keeping your skin looking young. Lemon juice keeps your ph balance in check and has antibacterial healing benefits. 

8. Ground Almonds And Olive Oil

A healing DIY face mask that works best when used when skin feels rough dry or lifeless. Blend one cup of almonds in a blender and ¼ cup of olive oil, until it’s a thick consistency. Put the blend on your face and leave it for 10-15minutes. Make sure to wash it off thoroughly bc olive oil is hard to clean off. 

Almonds can protect your skin from blemishes and reverse the signs of aging. Almonds also help the body create collagen, the most crucial protein for creating elasticity. Olive oil, in conjunction with almonds, will help bring moisture to the skin. Olives contain antioxidants that brighten your skin and can act as a protective treatment after sun exposure.


9. Brown sugar and Jojoba

You can use this healing DIY face mask for any irritation or as a general weekly exfoliant. Try to mix ½ a cup of brown sugar in a bowl and two tablespoons of jojoba oil. Apply to face and leave on for 10-15minutes.

Brown sugar is a beautiful natural exfoliant to dispose of dead skin cells and dirt. It’s hard to find a good exfoliant for sensitive skin because it is so reactionary. Brown sugar is very gentle, and jojoba oil is excellent at providing moisture and calmness to the surface. Jojoba oil is a treatment for eczema chafing and rosacea. It also smells fantastic and can do wonders if used as a hair mask as well. 

10.Coconut Oil And Cinnamon

This healing DIY face mask best for when you have more defined lines or too much sun exposure. Mix  ¼ cup of coconut oil with one tablespoon of cinnamon. Apply it to the skin and let it sink for 10-15 minutes. 


Coconut oil can benefit your skin in many ways. It harbors healthy fats and vitamin E, which creates more skin elasticity and a healthy glow. It can also act as a moisturizer. Cinnamon is tasty, but it also can eliminate blemishes and scarring your face. This combination of ingredients will be sure to leave your skin looking flawless.

What healing DIY face masks do you use to perfect your sensitive skin? Let us know in the comment section below!

Images via Pinterest