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5 Haunted Places In Mississippi You Need To Visit

5 Haunted Places In Mississippi You Need To Visit

Halloween is upon us and what better way to celebrate than to visit some super creepy haunted places! Keep reading for 5 haunted places in Mississippi!

Halloween is upon us and what better way to celebrate than to visit some super creepy haunted places! Some of these are pretty far away from Ole Miss, but they make for a great road trip destination! Keep reading for 5 haunted places in Mississippi!

1. The Ole Miss Campus.

You actually don’t have to travel very far at all for some ghost hunting! The Ole Miss campus is home to a plethora of ghosts that you can look for this Halloween season. Some of the haunted places on campus include The Lyceum, Confederate Cemetery, Farley Hall, Fulton Chapel, and Deaton Hall. The Lyceum was formerly a Confederate hospital used to treat fallen soldiers. There is a folklore that says that at midnight on Halloween, the spirits of these soldiers walk through the Circle, past the Confederate statue, and to their grave site at the Confederate Cemetery. The Confederate Cemetery is a mass grave holding over 700 bodies, so it is bound to have some spirit activity at night.

After the Battle of Shiloh in April 1862, Farley Hall was used as a morgue. In Haunted Halls of Ivy: Southern Colleges and Universities by Daniel Barefoot, Daniel writes that there have been unexplained noises that frighten people in the building. Farley Hall may be a good place to ghost hunt during the Halloween season. In Fulton Chapel, there have been sightings of silhouettes at the doors and whispers heard if you are in there alone. Deaton Hall was named after Eula Deaton, a deceased staff member. Even though she died before the building was built, some say her spirit is present in the building. It is rumored that an electrical accident in 1985 that ended in the death of two students was caused by Eula.


2. William Faulkner’s Rowan Oak.

(Less than a mile from the Ole Miss campus)

Rowan Oak is the home of famous author, William Faulkner. It was built in 1844 by Colonel Robert Sheegog. A stand out paranormal experience is that of Curator William Griffith. Before a renovation of the house, he was taking pictures of all the rooms so that he would know where all the furniture was when they were finished. In the picture of Mrs. Faulkner’s room, there are two figures, one standing next to and one sitting on the bench, and there is a big black space in the picture where there should be the service quarters. There have also been reports of William Faulkner’s ghost writing on the wall and walking the grounds. Seems like Rowan Oak has some type of paranormal activity going on to me! Whether you’re checking out haunted places in Mississippi, or you’re a literary buff, go check out Rowan Oak!

3. The McRaven House in Vicksburg.

The McRaven House has been named “The Most Haunted House in Mississippi” for a very good reason. Five of the house’s former residents have died in the house and one of them was murdered right outside. Added on to this is the fact that the house was used as a Confederate soldier hospital in the Civil War. While residing in the house Sheriff Howard’s wife, Mary Elizabeth went into childbirth and died in her bedroom. Due to this traumatic death, her spirit can be seen in her room and in windows, and the lights in her bedroom turn on and off when it is empty. John Bobb was murdered by Union troops after surviving the Vicksburg Siege at McRaven and he can be seen walking on his balcony in the house. Check out one of the most haunted places in Mississippi this Halloween!


4. King’s Tavern in Natchez.

King’s Tavern is the oldest building in Natchez, Mississippi. It was a tavern, stage shop, and a mail station at different points in time. The manifestations that have been reported are figures passing the stairways, the fire place emitting heat without a fire, a crying baby being heard, a man with a top hat is seen, and the ghost, Madeline, is seen. The baby that is heard crying is a baby that was murdered by a man known as Big Harpe, and his cries from that night are heard.

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The man in the top hat could either be a victim of one of the murders that took place in King’s Tavern or he could be one of the criminals who committed these crimes. People feel he is an evil entity. He is seen behind people getting their photo taken by the fireplace which is where three bodies were found. People feel a tightness in their shoulders and their necks and a pressure on their chest when he is around. Also, in a mirror in an upstairs bedroom, his face is sometimes seen.


Lastly, Madeline is the most well-known entity in King’s Tavern. Madeline was hired as a server by Richard King and his wife. When Mrs. King found Richard cheating on her with Madeline, she hired some people to kill her. After the deed was done, they bricked Madeline up in the Chimney wall to hide her body. People have seen apparitions of Madeline and her footprints on freshly mopped floors. She also likes to joke around with the staff by pushing jars off of shelves, opening and closing doors, and turning faucets and lights on and off.

5. The Longfellow House in Pascagoula.

The Longfellow House used to be the home of a slave trader who abused and murdered slaves and now the slaves have come back to haunt the place where they were tortured. After being this slave trader’s home, the house was turned into an all girl’s school, another private home, and then a hotel. While it was a hotel is when the most experiences were reported in the house and it was one of the most haunted places in Mississippi. A manager of the hotel, Bobbie Slaughter, was slapped across the face by an angry spirit. The other employees also heard a jukebox being turned on by itself, babies crying, flushing toilets, doors opening and closing, and conversations and parties. When they would get up to check the noises, they would stop.

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