Categories: Alcohol

12 Hangover Cures That Actually Work

Bottomless margaritas and full bottle rose nights, (you know who you are), are all fun and games until you wake up. The morning is a little foggy and you have a faint memory of the guy with the tweety bird tattoo followed by a pounding headache. You stumble into the shower and realize that you are at that point in your life where you are not immune to nasty hangovers anymore. Taking full residence of the recliner, you decide to combat your hangover if its the last thing you do. But where should you start? You are not a lost cause, but it will take some work. If you are up to the challenge, here are 12 hangover cures that actually work. 

What Is A Hangover

Before we start, it is important that you understand the enemy. The hangover trinity is the perfect combo of dehydration, a run-down immune system, and hormone dysfunction.

As a result of what you thought would be a fun night, you’ll experience the classic headache, nausea, dizziness, and indigestion. Something that we’ve all become well-acquainted with through the years. Although these have not been scientifically proven to cure our pesky hangovers, we have found them to help. 

1. Pedialyte

Nostalgic much? Yes, we are talking about the stuff your mom use to give you as a kid when you had the flu. You might be under different circumstances, but Pedialyte is still equally as delicious and helpful. Pedialyte is best enjoyed as a midnight snack after you’ve finished off the bottomless margaritas your mom warned you about. 

This magic elixir has a ton of electrolytes and it will keep you hydrated throughout the night. Chug a little before you crash, you’ll thank us later. 

2. Water, Water, Water.

Drink your water! Staying hydrated is an important part of kicking a hangover. Pro tip: Start drinking water as soon as you are done double fisting your alcohol. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means that it will make the number of times you use the powder room double throughout the night. 

Losing fluids can cause you to be dehydrated AF and it will result in electrolyte imbalances which play a huge role in managing a hangover. Grab your water bottle and count to ten before you stop drinking your water. This is what you have been training for all night long!

3. Good Ol’ Coca-Cola

It’s full of caffeine and just downright delicious. Would you believe me if I told you this could aid your hangover? Coca-Cola raises your body’s glucose levels which will help you feel better quicker. The caffeine found in this popular drink helps constrict the blood vessels in your brain. So if you have a pounding headache, coca-cola is one of the best hangover cures for you. 

4. Brunch

Since we know you slept in, don’t lie to us, brunch is the winner when it comes to the hangover cure game. Alcohol results in the loss of sodium and potassium which you can regain by eating a filling meal.

From pancakes to bacon, eating a delicious meal will help your body regain the nutrients that it lost during your night out. Refrain from eating food with some spice to it, that will only cause your indigestion to worsen. Grab your friends- brunch is on us- not really, but it’s the thought that counts right?  

5. Orange Juice

No matter if you are a pulp or no pulp kind of gal, orange juice is a great hangover cure. Period. The juice of the year delivers an acid-neutralizing effect which will help your body regain the potassium it lost.

Rumor has it that drinking this juice cold can also contribute to a reduction of inflammation in the stomach. I wish I was telling you that drinking morning mimosas were a hangover cure, but I’m not. Minus the champagne (save it for later), Orange juice is a hangover cure for anyone who needs it. 

6. Bananas and Honey

There is a reason the king of rock loved this dynamic duo. Honey, you need to have honey when you are fighting a hangover. Honey contains fructose which is a natural sugar and will help metabolize the alcohol in your system. Bananas are a great source of potassium and will replenish what was lost on the dance floor- besides your dignity. Kidding! On a serious note, if you have bananas in the house eat up, you will feel better soon! 

7. Coconut Water

Sail away to an island far far away where a tropical paradise awaits you. Grab your coconut glass and fill it with the pina coladas distant cousin, coconut water. With all the hydration and double the electrolytes, this is the hangover cure of the century. Feeling adventurous? This tip is more for your roommates than your self.  Add a splash of pineapple juice to your coconut water. Not only will this make it taste more like the real deal, but pineapple juice also has a lot of sugar which curb your moodiness. Give it a try, what do you have to lose. 


8. Tomato Juice

Contrary to popular belief, bloody marys are not the hangover cure, but tomato juice can be. Tomato juice is full of healthy complex carbs that will be delivered to your system quickly and efficiently. Drinking tomato juice after a wild night out can help, but leave out the vodka. 

See Also

9. Excercise

Hear me out. The only exercise you want to get with a grade A hangover is bicep curling pizza into your mouth. I get it. While it may be difficult to find the motivation to hit the gym it can also be helpful. When you work out your body releases endorphins which help you feel good. The endorphins can also aid in managing a headache. Hydration is still important so if you choose to hit the gym, you still want to replenish the fluids you lose throughout your workout. “Sweating it out” can be a healthy hangover cure but stay hydrated while you do. 

10. Carbohydrates

This may be the one time in your life where others encourage you to gouge down carbs. Things like bread and rice act as a sponge and can help you absorb the remaining alcohol in your stomach. Carbohydrates are processed into sugar in your body which can help metabolize the alcohol in your system. While this hangover cure may result in high caloric intake, it will combat your hangover ASAP. 

11. Pain Relievers

Aspirin, Ibuprofin or other anti-inflammatory drugs can help get rid of a headache or other hangover symptoms. It may irritate your stomach further so we recommend that you take one after you eat a meal. Do not take Tylenol. If there is still alcohol left in your body taking a Tylenol will accentuate the effects it has on your liver. Pain killers can be helpful in a time like this just be safe about it. 

12. Sleep

Napping is never frowned upon when it follows a hangover. Sleeping off the symptoms helps your body cure hangovers that much faster. Alcohol disrupts your circadian rhythm and prevents REM sleep from happening. Hydrate, relax and catch some Z’s. When you wake up, you will feel like a brand new you. 

Hangovers are the worse and unfortunately, the best thing to do is just to wait it out and let your body do the rest. If all else fails at least we have Instagram and Netflix. 

Help a girl out. What is your go-to hangover cure? Comment below!

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Sierra Barela

Oh Hey! Sierra here. I'm armed with an iced coffee on the daily and I have a passion for writing. When I am not writing (is that even possible?) I enjoy reading, painting, dancing and hiking.

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