7 Halloween Events Happening on the UNT Campus

Spooky season is more than halfway over so we have to make the most of the time we have left. UNT is big on encouraging students to participate in campus events or put on events of their own. Here are 7 Halloween events to go to on the UNT campus. Disclaimer: All of these events are free!
1. Improv Horror Show
Starting off with an ongoing event throughout all of October, the UNT Improv Troupe hosts Free Improv Horror Shows every Wednesday in room 255 of the University Union. There’s a general slasher structure and the audience interaction is a major factor in the development of the story. You can create your own “Halloween” if your crowd chooses to. The troupe is fairly new but are pros at entertaining and keeping the crowd engaged.
They also host a weekly improv workshop for individuals who are interested in participating, but don’t know where to start. The meeting happens at the same time in the same room, just on Mondays. If not to participate, go out and see these talented performers show you what they got. Come watch, decide, and laugh as the slasher movie that will be created right in front of you.
2. Boo Bash
If you despise slasher movies and need something a little more wholesome, there a events on campus just for you. On Sunday October 27th, the University Program Council (UPC) will be hosting its annual Boo Bash in the Emerald Ballroom of the University Union. This is an awesome event for families who want to get some early trick-r-treating done. The event was started for students to give back to the Denton community, specifically elementary school students.
This event is for people who might want to make someone else’s Halloween the best they’ve ever had. The ballroom will be setup with games and trick-r-treating stations for the kids to visit. Student organizations are encouraged to participate as volunteers for the event (you can sign up on OrgSync). It’s also inside, so it’s a hard deal to beat.
3. UNT’s Day of the Dead
UNT is also offering cultural events related to Halloween. UPC and The Multicultural Center will be hosting a Day of the Dead event in the Library Mall from 6 PM to 8 PM on Oct. 23rd. Participants of the event will honor the dead through music and other cultural celebrations associated with Mexican holiday, Day of the Dead.
One of the many Day of the Dead events being encouraged by UNT for students to attend is actually off campus, near The Square. The City of Denton is having their own Day of the Dead festival on Saturday, October 26th on Hickory and Industrial St. There will be coffin races, a costume contest, and a performance by Cirque Du Horror. This event combines the festivities of Day of the Dead, Halloween, and other fall treasures to create a one of a kind experience.
4. Sigma Lambda Beta’s Dios De Los Muertos
Alternatively, The Sigma Lambda Beta chapter of UNT is hosting their own Dios De Los Muertos event on Oct. 24 in the Library Mall from 6 PM to 10 PM. The event is open to the public in addition to students and members of the fraternity. This promises to be a more educational experience, with a traditional Aztec performance scheduled to take place. Members from other organizations have also been encouraged to bring their own alters to celebrate the loved ones they have lost in the past. Either Dios De Los Muertos event will create a fun and memorable experience.
5. Halloween Homecoming Hullabaloo
If you have yet to make any plans on the actual day of Halloween, and want something to do, UNT’s American Marketing Association has you covered. They will be hosting their “Halloween Homecoming Hullabaloo” on Oct. 31st in the Library Mall starting at 12:30 P.M until 3 PM. The AMA is a national marketing association that hosts marketing events across the country that teaches students how to be a better marketer, including UNT!
It will be the final event of their “Marketing Week” events, and a way to heighten the excitement on campus before Homecoming, upcoming in the first week of November. They have invited local independent creatives to participate and share their creations for the campus to see. There will be food, spooky music, candy, and a fun environment for people to connect with each other.
6. Pumpkin Carving
If your interested in another Greek event, the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority will be hosting a pumpkin carving event on October 25th. The festivities will begin at 7 PM and end around 9. Alpha Kappa Alpha hosts an event that showcases the art of some really talented people. If you have pumpkin carving skills that you’ve been waiting to pull out for Halloween, here’s your chance to show them off.
Like the previous events mentioned on the list, this event is open to all despite it being a student organization. Kappa Alpha is a sorority hat began at HBCU’s and is dedicated to promoting sisterhood and providing service to all mankind. They would love for you to come have a fun time with them and carve some pumpkins.
7. UNT Homecoming 2019
The last event isn’t necessarily a Halloween event, it’s more like an event that’s happening on Halloween, and its none other than UNT’s 2019 Homecoming! UNT, like every university and has a series of events to celebrate homecoming, and Yell Like Hell just happens to fall on Oct. 31st. On the 27th, the Spirit Board will be dropped off on South Lawn to begin the week. The Homecoming Picnic will take place the next day and the Scrappy Games will begin at 7 PM at the Apogee Stadium on the 29th. On the eve of Halloween, students have the chance to participate in the Spirit Bash at 6 PM in the Union. The festivities will end with the Spirit March and bonfire on Friday, with the parade and football game following on Saturday.