Campus Life

20 Hacks To Make Your Life Easier At New York University

The Big Apple can be very intimidating at times. And you just need some helpful tips on how to get around and find an easy way to cope. These 20 New York University hacks will make life easier!

1. Living close to necessities.

If you decide that living in a dorm is not for you, make sure your apartment is close to a grocery store, laundry mat, and a subway (if don’t have a car).

2. Uber.

Having and Uber will be a very resourceful tool. If you don’t have a car (and who does at New York University), then having an Uber will make getting places so much easier.

3. Yoga for stress.

At a number of Yoga to the People locations, classes cost just $5. At others, there’s a “suggested donation” of $10. Either way, it’s way cheaper than buying a package at one of those trendy studios — and the instruction is just as solid.

4. Online shopping.

Shopping in New York can be a pain, everything seems so expensive, and if your like pretty much everyone, you don’t have much money to blow. Shopping online (with student discounts), can be a lifesaver. Anyway, you get good deals, and there are many good online places to shop with cute clothes to fit your unique style!

5. Eating out.

There are two types of people, those who rarely eat out, and those who rarely eat at home. To avoid an excessive weight gain, if you eat out to much, just take a few weeks and look up detox meals on Pinterest, they are yummy, and super cheap.


6. Exercise and working out.

Being in college, you barley have time for anything. Your are constantly juggling school work, studying, a social life, sororities, calling your mom (and you know you’ve gotta do it), and making sure lint isn’t the only thing in your pocket. Not to mention other things I could list on and on, but taking at least an hour to three just working out will greatly reduce your stress for next weeks test. Even just having a small workout plan a day can help. And don’t get me started on how nice your bod will look. Hot d*mn!

7. Portable chargers.

Having one of these bad boys will honestly be the best investment you will every make. These days it seems like phones run off our brain cells. And having your phone die in the middle of a lesson, or even on your way to find an Uber, will totally suck. The smart thing to do is invest in a portable charger, I promise it’ll come in handy.

8. Doing your homework.

It may seem like a lot, but space it out, categorize priorities, and then do it. Set your self goals. Have to read the next five chapters and take notes, do each chapter and in-between take a small walk, check your phone, or even workout.

9. Get a bike pass.

Getting a bike could cost a low 26 cents a day. And then you get a bike to go anywhere, less sketchy than a subway, and way less expensive than a car.

10. Get a subway pass.

This is a little more pricey, but if you live further from your school, an extra 30 dollars a week for a Metro Pass will go a long way.

11. Sharing is caring.

Again with clothing, if you and your room mate are besties, save some cash on clothes and go shopping together. From there you can share each others clothing, and save hundreds.

12. Say no.

If you don’t feel one hundred percent in doing something, may it be sex, drugs, alcohol, or even showing up at a party, DON’T DO IT! It’s not worth the tears or the hangover you may have later. Anyway, doesn’t your pet fish need fed?

13. Dates.

Every once in awhile go out. It can be with a girl/boyfriend, your girls, or even your dog. Just go hang out and have fun. I promise, Netflix will be back before your home.

14. Make friends.

Having someone to help you through anything is like a weight off your shoulder before it is even there. And having a best friend is even better. They can share clothing, you can study together, or even go watch guys walk around the food court, the possibilities are endless.

See Also

15. Stay classy, and a little sassy.

Dressing presentably and smelling nice goes a long way. And having a polite, but sassy attitude is something everyone wants, but doesn’t admit. Make sure you are true to yourself and never be anything you don’t wanna be.


16. Parking

Make sure you know where to park and where it won’t get you a fine, NYU will try to get as much money as possible, so make sure you follow the rules and know when and where to park.

17. Going on a date with sorority/fraternity? Pick up food!

If your going on a date, pick up food, its cheap and fast. I prefer Joe’s Pizza or Pizza Mercato, if your going for pizza. (And who isn’t?) It is delicious and everyone wants it on a first date.

18. Do the dirty safely.

if you are going to have sex, make sure to have a condom, NYU offers free condoms and safe sex supplies at the Health Promotion Office. They are happy to talk to you about any problems you have about sex and your sexuality.

19. Studying abroad.

If you decide to study abroad make sure to get ll of the information knowing where and when and you’ll be there, how long, exc. NYU has two different groups that leave, World Stride and Destination Partners. If you choose to travel make sure you keep your payments straight make friends and the most of your travels.


College is all about finding out who you are and what you want to impact in life. Sign up for groups and put your self out there knowing anything is possible. If you dream it, you can achieve it. Believe in yourself and make sure to always do what feels right. Stay safe and enjoy yourself at NYU!

No matter what you do, NYU has many opportunities for you. If you realize your first major you wanted isn’t working for you, change it. The world is at your finger tips, and everyone is waiting for you to make your mark. Never listen to anyone’s hate, unless you use it to make yourself better (as long as you are still yourself) and I can never exaggerate this enough, ENJOY YOURSELF AT NYU!!!

What are some other New York University hacks to make life easier? Share in the comments below!
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kaili england

Im Kaili, I grew up all around mid west america. I am wanting to travel the world when I finish college. I am going in for Journalism and am going to study abroad, my love you people and cultures will guide me. I am a Sons Of Anarchy fanatic and can also enjoy watching American Horror Story and The Fosters.

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