
20 Habits Of A Successful Woman

Hey girl! Do you want to live a more successful lifestyle? Do you want to feel motivated every day to live your best life? If yes, consider these lifestyle tweaks that will positively affect your personal and professional lives, along with your overall health and wellness. Follow these 20 habits of a successful woman to live your best life!

1. Wake Up At The Same Time Every Morning

One of the best ways to start off your day as a successful woman is to wake up at the same time every day. Wake up at a reasonable hour, around 8 or 9am. This will help you have a fresh start to your day, and get ready to accomplish all of your goals for the day!

2. Drink Water Throughout The Day

Invest in a refillable water bottle and bring it with you everywhere you go. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, as your body needs it in order to function properly. Water will also help prevent you from getting dehydrated or headaches, which will help you survive those long work days! This is one of the biggest habits of a successful woman!

3. Recite Affirmations

Recite positive affirmations to yourself every day to help improve your relationship with yourself. Not only will this help with your self-relationship, but it will also help with your overall self-confidence. A few examples to tell yourself are: You are loved, you are worthy, and you are enough.

4. Spend Time Meditating

It’s important to take time to yourself to calm your mind and recharge, and meditating is a great way to do that! Whether you meditate every day, or once a week, it really doesn’t matter. Figure out what is best for you, and stay consistent! Go to a place that makes you feel calm and relaxed, and get ready to spend some time with yourself.

5. Write Out Your Goals

Instead of talking about your goals, write them out to make them official. Be sure to write your goals everywhere, like in your agenda book, in your journal, and even on sticky notes to keep on your mirror. Read over your goals each day as a constant reminder to work hard to achieve them!

6. Develop Action Plans For Your Goals

Creating an action plan is one of the most effective goal setting strategies, regardless of how simple or complex the goal is. In order to do this, start by breaking down your goal into baby steps with deadlines for each step. Make sure that each step and deadline is realistic! Determine how to measure your progress, your investments and your resources. Ensure that your goals are SMART (Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely) and create your plan in a way that allows you to measure your progress and activity.

7. Plan Your Day Out In Advance

Creating a plan for your day will help you have an overall successful and productive day! First, invest in an agenda book or day planner to help keep track of your plans for each day. Designate your tasks the night before the new day, so that way you can prepare for what is to come the following day. In order to create an effective plan for the day, take the top three most important tasks that you need to accomplish, and focus on those tasks. If you finish the three tasks and are motivated to finish your list, start working on the other items. If you don’t finish your list, just move the remainders to the list for the following day.

8. Dedicate Specific Times Each Day To Check Emails, Answer Phone Calls

Always start your work day and end your work day by checking emails and responding to any important texts and/or phone calls. Keep your email open on a tab on your computer, and check back every so often. Don’t spend all day responding to emails or phone calls because you will never get your work done. It’s important to keep a balance between emails and work projects to stay productive throughout the day!

9. Cook Meals More Than The Times You Eat Out

Commit yourself to eating fresh, homemade meals at least four or five times a week. I know it’s easy and convenient to grab some fast food on your drive home from work, but don’t make it a habit. It’s important that you provide your body with healthy foods and vegetables to help you feel your best. You can get creative and look up recipes on Pinterest so that you aren’t making the same thing every night. You may even find cooking to be therapeutic! Cook meals with your friends to make it more fun! This can definitely be considered one of the habits of a successful woman.

10. Socialize

Don’t bury yourself in work all day, every day. Create a positive work/life balance and spend time with your friends and family too. Go out with your friends to Happy Hour after work, and spend some time with your family on the weekends! You will feel much happier when you socialize and spend time with your loved ones.

11. Network Outside Of Your Circle

One of the most important things to do to be a successful working woman is to network! Go to networking events, and keep in contact with everyone you meet because you never know if you will need to contact them on your next job opportunity, or find new clients for your business. Make connections with people outside of your industry and field of study because it will help broaden your horizon and expose you to new ideas and contacts.

12. Turn Off Your Phone An Hour Before Bed

If you are tired of having insomnia, one way to end it is by turning off your phone an hour before you head to bed. Many studies have found that when we are exposed to the lights given off from our phones, laptops, iPads, and other electronics at night it prevents our brains from releasing melatonin, which is a hormone that tell our bodies that it is time for bed. Instead of scrolling through Instagram or watching Netflix to fall asleep, trying reading a book, flipping through a magazine, or meditating before bed.

13. Read Books

Never stop reading and never stop learning! Invest in books that you are curious about, books that interest you, and books that will help you continue to learn something new. Pick up your book and read a few pages each night, especially before you go to bed. Reading will help you fall asleep faster! This is one of the habits of a successful woman to keep in mind.

See Also

14. Create A Bucket List

Along with setting goals, it’s important that you create a bucket list for yourself. Write down everything that you want to do in your life, like skydiving, traveling the work, starting a blog, etc. Set realistic deadlines for completing each item on your list. Make sure to take pictures/videos to document the event so that you will never forget it! This is one of the most important habits of a successful woman.

15. Check Your Bank Accounts Regularly

It’s super important that you check your credit card statements and bank statements regularly. Identity theft is a growing issue and you don’t want to be a victim of that. You can help prevent this by checking your accounts regularly and going through each purchase with your receipts. Stay on top of any fraud alerts and if something looks fishy, report it immediately! This is one of the habits of a successful woman you have to try.

16. Pay Your Bills!

Along with checking your bank accounts regularly, pay your bills! As soon as your bills come in the mail, pay them. It’s better to stay on top of them instead of putting them off. You don’t want to have to pay any late fees! This is one of the best habits of a successful woman.

17.Volunteer Once A Month

Help give back to your community by volunteering at least once a month. Volunteer for something that you actually care about. Grab your friends or family members and volunteer together, to make for a fun day!

18. Workout Every Day

Workout every day, even if it is a quick 10 minute walk around your bloc. Find some time in your day to exercise and take care of your body. Exercising is a great way to help destress from your long day. Blast your favorite music and break out a sweat to start off your day!

19. Dedicate Time To Spend With Your Family

There is nothing better and more refreshing than spending time with family! Dedicate at least one day a week where you spend some quality time with your parents and siblings. Be sure to fill them in on your work week and any updates in your life.

20. Celebrate Your Successes

Most importantly, celebrate your successes with your friends and family! Whether you call a friend to tell her about your job promotion, meet up with family for dinner, or pop a bottle of champagne with your girls, celebrate in style! Be proud go yourself for achieving another goal, and use it as motivation to achieve more of your goals and dreams!

Cheers to living a successful life! Which habits of a successful woman are you excited to implement in your life? Let us know in the comments below!
Featured Image Source:
Julianna Lauro

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