
8 Habits Of A Successful Relationship

Everyone always says things like trust, honesty, and faithfulness are what keeps a relationship together. This is true, but let’s be honest, there’s way more that needs to be maintained. So let’s get past the obvious now and dig up some real habits of a successful relationship. Habits that are practiced and developed after lots of experience of failing at it.

Not Everything Is A Joke

You can really trigger your S.O. with this one if you do it too much. That is, laughing or making fun of something that’s totally serious for them. If you want your relationship to last, and not to mention if you want your partner to come to you to vent when something serious is going on with them (and not go to someone else), you have to actually care sometimes. Watch the movie Inside Out if you don’t know what I’m talking about. There’s a time and place for all emotions. Don’t try to force not happy people to be happy without understanding why they’re upset first. Not everything is a joke. Real relationships last because the two (or more) people in them know how to act and react according to what their partner needs from them at that moment.

Have Each Others Back

If you’re in a relationship with someone and you want it to last, you have to show them that you have their back in any situation. This is a major habit of a successful relationship. It could be anything. It could be a friend or family member of theirs insulting them or giving them bad advice. You have to step in and stand up for them if they can’t do it themselves. Doing the opposite means you don’t care. Yeah some people need to learn their own lessons in life through experience, but it truly doesn’t make sense to be in a relationship with someone that you don’t care to protect. This won’t only make your relationship successful, it will give it a type of passion that you can’t get anywhere else.

Be Their Extra Eyes And Ears

This sort of ties into the prior one, but is a bit different. Being their eyes and ears means you have their back when they don’t notice something coming. A great habit of a successful relationship. And you’re working as a team. Whatever your partner doesn’t notice, you do and you communicate with them about it so they’re always in the loop. Together you are an unstoppable force. Nothing should be able to get past 4 eyes and ears operating together.

Whispering Sweet Nothings

This may seem old school, but it’s entirely necessary. Just because you landed your partner as a GF or BF doesn’t mean you don’t have to say those nice things to them anymore that make them feel appreciated. “You’re so cute when you laugh, I love it.” “Lol you’re so funny.” “You make the best sandwiches I swear!” Whatever it is, say it and be honest about it. This is an important habit of a successful relationship. If you don’t let them know they’re special in some way, the next compliment they get from some other randomer will seem really nice. And it won’t be their fault for feeling a little tingly about it. Especially if you never pay them any.

Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty

Loyalty doesn’t make you a dog. It makes you trustworthy and dependable and your S.O.’s go to for anything. If you let them down all the time, or you’re always flaking, how do you expect the relationship to last? They’ll just find someone else to treat them better. Be loyal to them.

See Also

Good In The Bed

Come on. I couldn’t make a list of successful relationship habits and not include sex. It would be unrealistic. If you’re going to be with someone and be responsible for satisfying them, you have to know how to give them what they want and need. Easily talk about the intimacy you share so you know where you stand. Successful couples are cool with saying what they like and ensure there’s sanguinity at all times.

Pick Up The Slack

We all get overwhelmed sometimes or just plain warn out. That’s life. The best thing about having a partner is that they can pick up the slack when you can’t hold any more. Simple things like household chores, grocery shopping, laundry, reading your emails for you. I don’t know. I’m sure there’s something you need help with sometimes. A S.O. can help with that. Successful relationships are about teamwork.

Set Goals

People are making fun of the #RelationshipGoals hashtag on social media, but maybe they just don’t know what it’s like to be in a successful relationship. Successful couples with good habits don’t just wing it. They combine their future plans and needs and wants together, and work towards achieving them (with the force of TWO!). Setting goals, reasonable ones, is like saying I want to be with you ten years from now and here’s what I want our lives to be like: flashy, ballin, happy, carefree, passionate, exotic, out of this world (or out of this country), set.

These are some habits of a successful relationship. As you can see, they go beyond the ordinary expectations. Get your relationship maintaining game up! Leave a comment if you agree!
Featured Image Source:
Ebony Girard

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