
5 Easy Workouts You Can Do In A Dorm Room

5 Easy Workouts You Can Do In A Dorm Room

Keeping up a fitness routine can be hard in college. You've got to juggle classes, clubs, and maybe even a…

6 years ago

Shaving Products Guys Don’t Know About

If you've been shaving for a while and have questions on how to deal with your razor burn or fiery…

6 years ago

To Ghost Or Not To Ghost: Nice Guys, Stalkers and Awkward Encounters

We've all be there: a guy you know from class, or that DM'd you online or found you swiping through…

6 years ago

Top Simple Ways To Incorporate Exercise In The Workplace

Trying to fit in exercise in your already busy day can be difficult but incorporating small and simple exercises in…

6 years ago

5 Best Pilates Moves For Washboard Abs

It’s summer! You know what that means, right? Everyone is showing off their beach-ready bods with crop tops and body-hugging…

6 years ago

Here’s How Men Can Obtain Soft Dewy Skin

For years there's been a stigma that taking care of your skin isn't 'manly' or men don't need to do…

6 years ago

Why The Plus-Size Gym Wear Is Causing Controversy

Cynical people live alongside positive people, they are the yin to our yang, however, at times like this, our differences…

6 years ago

15 Cheap Date Ideas Any Couple Will Love

Cheap date ideas are getting harder to come by, with everything being commoditized and all. You can rest easy knowing…

6 years ago

The 10 Hairstyles You Want To Get Whenever You’re Really Going Through It

We've all been there. You've had a good cry listening to the Mamma Mia soundtrack and suddenly you know exactly…

6 years ago

The 4 Positive Impacts That Drinking More Water Had On My Health And Well-Being

A few years ago, I noticed an internet challenge trending. Generally, I view viral trends with a form of derision.…

6 years ago