Groundhog Day Results 2019: Get Ready For Spring!

Fasten your seatbelts and get ready to fly into Spring very, very soon. According to this year’s Groundhog Day, the polar vortex will soon be gone as Spring is supposed to steal its spot early in 2019. Emerging from its burrow, Punxsutawney Phil couldn’t see his own shadow and according to tradition, this predicts a soon-ending Winter.
Groundhog day has been a Canadian and American cultural tradition since 1886, according to the first records. Phil’s predictions, though, are only an established popular practice that isn’t backed up by relevant scientific evidence. In 123 years of records – there are 10 years with no recorded results – Phil has only foreseen an early arrival of Spring 19 times. In this limbo between proven evidence and auspicious forecasts, we are only to remain hopeful that Phil is right!

Fashion Editor, Instagram addict, coffee enthusiast, Italian born-and-raised kid who doesn't eat pasta at all.