City Life

20 Signs You Grew Up In Charleston SC


There are certain qualities that really make Charleston something special. From the beautiful beaches to the cute local shops, there really is so much to love. These are the 20 signs you grew up in Charleston SC!

1. Boating is a religious practice

If all of your family outings and friend dates begin with trying to find a boat to go on, you can consider yourself one step closer to being a Charlestonian.

2. Your summer wear never goes into storage

Even when those fall months come around there’s a good chance that mother nature throws a 90 degree day at you. Being on the beach a couple days after Christmas is pretty normal down here in good ‘ol Charleston, South Carolina.

3. Swim wear is a staple in your wardrobe

Finding yourself in the water everyday in the summer is pretty normal and you cant out wear your bathing suits, especially for us ladies! People may gasp at 200 dollar bikinis but that’s just a normal suit for us.

4. Halls Chophouse on King Street is the ultimate fine dining experience

Whether its graduation, an anniversary, or just wanting to impress you girlfriend’s parents, Halls is your go to place. A true Charlestonian also knows that they need to book a few weeks in advanced as getting a table is no easy task!

5. You have a favorite beach in the Charleston area

Being at the beach year round is pretty normal for someone from Charleston. You’ll always have that one beach and one station that is your go to place.

6. Your go to shopping spot is King St

All the best stores are there! For all your shopping needs King St is the place to go.

7. When a sighting of Bill Murray occurs a selfie is a must

At the River Dogs or just out on the town for dinner, you will see Bill Murray. Whenever you do, you’ll find yourself taking a selfie with the man, the myth, and the legend.

8. When it is time to go anywhere you give yourself 30 extra minutes to get there

Being the over populated city that Charleston is, no matter what time of day there is always traffic. So, when trying to get some where on time it’s good to give yourself an extra 30 minutes.

9. Everyone knows everyone

Anywhere you go there is a good chance that you’ll encounter someone you know. Especially if you are a third or fourth generation Charleston family member!

10. You find yourself at one or two Volvo Stadium events a year

Whether it is the Volvo Cars Open (which is probably known to you as Family Circle Cup) or one of their summer concert series, like Hootie and the Blowfish, you find yourself at a couple of those a year.

11. You don’t identify yourself with the “Southern Charm” bunch

Yes, it is pretty cool that a major television show is hosted right here in your hometown. And yes, you may find yourself enjoying the show as a guilty pleasure. But, when someone judges you based on that show, you can tell them that they are the select few that we wish were not from here.

12. Buy Local is something you take seriously

These big chains may have some good stuff to offer, but if you can find it in a local store it is always best to help out your neighbor.

13. Even if it only rains for 5 minutes, you can expect to be knee deep in water most places downtown

Downtown is known for its flooding and in some cases to the point of tubing behind cars. During times like these, break out the hunter boots or call an Uber. Either way be prepared to get wet.

14. The dream is to live in a house on the water with a dock

If you find your self saying “when I grow up I want to live on the water,” well then you have your priorities straight!

See Also

15. You like to brag on your city

When on vacation anywhere else you can find yourself comparing it to Charleston and realizing that you truly live the dream. And when tourists are astonished that you actually live here there is no being humble. You just look at them and say, “Yeah, it really is the best.”

16. Snow is a foreign concept

If you’re from Charleston the only way you’ve seen true snow is if you’ve traveled somewhere else. We get excited over a little frost on the grass in the morning, that is if Charleston even gets a winter.

17. The fall is full of oyster roasts

Whether you are hosting or you are just invited, the fall includes many oyster roasts with the best of college football playing, usually  Clemson or Carolina, depending on where your loyalties are.

18. Even as the city grows, you still feel like it is your small town

They say 50 people move to Charleston everyday, and lets be honest who can blame them. But, even as the city grows to accommodate all these newbies, you still feel like Charleston is the best small town to live in.

19. “Go back to Ohio” is your mantra

As the traffic grows it just gets more and more frustrating and for a true Charlestonian it is okay to assume its all Ohio’s fault. I mean does anyone even live there anymore?

20. It is still fun to visit all the “touristy” spots

Whether it is the boat on folly to ask someone to prom, the Market to get a fun trinket or a artsy looking meal (for Instagram of course), Marion Square, Rainbow Row, the Battery, and so much more, the beauty of Charleston never gets old. Especially if it means you get to see those amazing sunsets!

Well if at the end of this you find yourself doing at least 75% of these you can consider yourself a Charlestonian. Unless you’re from Ohio then don’t even utter the words “Im from Charleston!”

Do you have any other signs you’re from Charleston South Carolina!? Share in the comments below!

Featured Image: weheartit

Mary Kollyn Lewis

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